
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Dated Anniversary

Quite a long time awhile ago — 23 years to be exact.
Who's counting?

We are, but if you suspected a wedding anniversary, you're wrong.
No, this wasn't that anniversary date, which comes around in August.

So, what did we celebrate over the weekend?

Our 1st date anniversary — which happened in NJ after several months of emails. 
This was in the days before texting.

Here's a few pics of us back then in (ahem) 1997 when we were just a bit much younger.

These pictures were taken before digital/cell phones, when we still used cameras and are not "selfies" in the sense we didn't take them ourselves.

Here's ones from this year, the ever-popular selfies, all from our cell phones.

Masks off for our celebration ice cream from a local creamery. Yes, it was very good.
Followed that evening with dinner at home as all restaurants here remain closed. Outdoor dining is available this week for a belated dining-out meal very soon.

It's these special little celebrations that we enjoy, and since we’re the only ones who remember them, they’re very special. Now, more than ever, it's the little things that bring us joy (like ice cream).

Do you celebrate special occasions — no matter what the occasion ? 


Marcia said...

Thanks for reminding me. Our first date was 50 years ago come August! Wow! Maybe we should celebrate that but neither of us remembers the actual date other than August.

DUTA said...

What a lovely pair, then and now!

mamasmercantile said...

What fun and a great excuse for ice cream lol!

baili said...

oh you just filled my evening with bursting joy that my eyes were able to grab from your precious smiling faces :)))

Happy dating anniversary :)
may you celebrate it each day wiht same enthusiasm :)

life is beautiful when you know how to live as beautifully my friend
well i celebrate each breath that comes to me surprisingly :)))

Edna B said...

Happy Anniversary! I agree, some memories are extra special. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Anvilcloud said...

Well we don't celebrate first date for sure, but it was June 3 1969 although it wasn't really a date but a getting together at a SUnday School picnic.

Ron said...

Oh, what wonderful post! I'm a sucker for anything sweet and romantic. In fact, I'm one of those people who has always be in love with romance.

Aren't you glad you grew up in a time when there was no such thing as digital/cell phones and texting and Instagram and Facebook and MySpace, and selfies? Back then we actually met in person, face to face. I love technology, truly I do, but I'm so happy that I didn't grow up with it as the sole means of connecting with people, like today.

GREAT photographs! You two make such a good-looking couple!

HAPPY 1st date anniversary to you and your husband!

And yes, I do celebrate special occasions. Autumn is my very favorite season. And I also love pumpkins. So on the first day of Autumn, I make it a tradition to go to the Farmer's Market and buy 4-5 baby pumpkins and place them all around my apartment.

Pumpkins make me smile! :)

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Happy anniversary Beatrice and Grenville!
Yes, it’s a very special day to remember, and celebrate.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Happy anniversary to both. Anniversary ice cream seems like a fitting celebration. I have never taken a selfie, nor can I ever imagine myself doing so. There are those who seem to be obsessed, truly obsessed with images of themselves, and the more the better it seems. I have no illusions that images of me are of interest to very few people, (including me), nor should they be, and they certainly have no need of daily updates. Some blogs, in truth, seem to be an exercise in narcissism.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

WE are both duds in the celebration game, and the good news is, we are both duds. half the time we forget our anniversary until it is past. I know the dates, like 1st kiss, there was no first DATE.. we just hung out together. in fact we have never been on a real date. unless you count anniversay lunch at Golden Corral...

David said...

Hi Beatrice and Grenville... Despite the situation, it looks like you still managed to celebrate that first date! We met and got married on the same date one year apart so just one celebration is needed. We rarely exchange cards or presents for that matter...although presents do flow at birthdays (but not Christmas as we generally buy what we want when we feel like it) My wife's 'birthday celebration' stretches for over 2 months while I might get 2 days for mine! We just passed our 42nd date anniversary and our 41st wedding anniversary last month. FYI, Tennessee is opened up with restaurants at no capacity limits as of this coming Friday...and of course the infection rates are jumping too. We've been partially opened up for about 3 weeks now. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Emma Springfield said...

Happy Anniversary

Anonymous said...

Happy First Date anniversary! Glad to see you got out and celebrated. Wonderful! Enjoy the day.

Jon said...

This is such a sweet and uplifting post. It's wonderful that you remembered your first date and had an anniversary celebration (with ice cream!).

I enjoyed seeing all the photos and got a much-needed laugh at the mask photos!

And I think a quiet dinner at home is better than going out to a restaurant.

Hopefully your upcoming August anniversary will be mask-free!

Tara said...

Happy First Date Anniversary, Beatrice and Grenville! I marvel (and a bit envy) couples with many years of their relationship. I've not been so lucky as to have a long marriage, and wonder what it would be like. I do remember (not celebrate) my anniversaries with my marriages, and usually I look upon them fondly with a tinge of sadness. So, my hat's off to you two -- long may you love and celebrate the anniversaries of your life together!

Red said...

We don't really celebrate but like you the first date is memorable. I have a post about the first date.

Doris said...

Sweet pictures...the ones from long ago (but not really that long ☺) and the more recent. Ellen would love any excuse for ice too. Looks soooo good!

Rita said...

How sweet that you still celebrate your first date! You were and still are looking good! :)

Christina said...

Happy First Date Anniversary! You both look as happy now as you looked then :-)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Happy Anniversary to you both whatever the occasion. Now, if someone could invent a mask that you could wear while eating ice-cream they'd surely make a fortune.

Vee said...

What fun! Happy Anniversary to your first date! I can see that you are still celebrating the little things...though, how little is the first ice cream cone of the season? No, that's a really big deal. I really must check out my local ice cream shoppe.

Connie said...

Happy 1st date anniversary! Seems like a great reason to celebrate to me, and you can't go wrong with ice cream.

diane b said...

Congrats to a great couple. Have many more years together.

diane b said...

Bill is the cook in this house. We haven't been doing much extra except for cookies which we call biscuits.However, I do miss the lunches that we used to have out. Our restaurants are open for 10 people, which is a bit of a joke for the poor businesses. They still have to pay staff and rents. But they have been selling take aways for some time. We are lucky to be free of new cases but our premier is not rushing things. Our borders are still closed which is causing angsts with tour operators as we usually get inundated with southerners at this time when it is cold down there and warm up here.(But not so warm today, we have had our first cool snap this year).

CrystalChick said...

Happy 1st date anniversary!!
I take some photos on my phone, but really still love my little pocket camera and use it often. The newer one, bought probably less than 2 years ago, broke recently when I dropped it. :( Luckily, I still had the older one.
All lovely photos! And the ice cream one made me smile.
We do celebrate most occasions like birthdays and our anniversary. Our 1st date was on New Year's Eve ('82) so everyone is celebrating with us that night! Before the shutdowns, we used to go on 'date night' ... just whenever we felt in the mood to go out. Now, date night is every night in the living room with Netflix and snacks. haha

Laurel Wood said...
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My name is Erika. said...

I can't wait until school finishes so I feel more ambitious to get onto the computer in my free time. This is a super post and I love your vintage photos. Congrats on that important anniversary. It is a big deal and so glad you both found happiness together. Hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

I love these photos -- they are wonderful and so very happy and I love seeing your smiling face! Happy Anniversary -- that's a biggie!