
Friday, January 10, 2014

Up,,,,Up,,,,and Away!!!!!!!

For those of you who may not know, we live near the East Coast Region Spaceport. No it is not the entry point for aliens (although i sometimes wonder around here). Some friends and i who do stewardship work on Mutton Hunk Fen and were there for the launch of the Antares Rocket by orbital Space Corp. with the first full payload of cargo for the International Space Station. Usually these are night launches, but this time it was day.
The Antares lifted off at 1307hrs (1:07pm) just as scheduled and will reach and rendezvous with the space station in 3 days. The Mutton Hunk is just across Metompkin Bay from the launch area so we had front row seats.



Out on the prairie said...

A fun sight to watch

Connie said...

How cool to get to see this!

Out on the prairie said...
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Anvilcloud said...

I didn't know. How cool.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

on a clear day we can see the launch from the other side of the state, these are great photos

Montanagirl said...

Wow - nice captures of the launch! Pretty exciting to see, I'll bet.

Ludwig said...

Hurrah for you! I have been a space fan for well more than half a century but managed to witness a launch only once. Have fun in your front row seats!

L. D. said...

I guess I really didn't know where they were sending out rocks of supplies. It is nice you get to see them.

Debby said...

I didn't know that they got their supplies this way. Wonder how it ends up in the right spot. Amazing.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

So after seeing these, I am asking myself...why would you want to sell and leave all that behind?...:)JP

Country Gal said...

Oh must be cool to see that and even get photos . Nice shots ! Thanks for sharing . Mild rainy and sloppy here for the weekend ! Have a good one !

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos. Have a wonderful Saturday.

barbara l. hale said...

That's cool!

William Kendall said...

Quite a thing to have a view of!