
Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's in the Cards

We had a wonderful surprise on our arrival home from our unexpected and sudden road trip. As many of you may know from previous posts, my mother was hospitalized in NJ before Christmas. She's currently in a rehab facility to regain strength. 

Here's what was awaited us in our mailbox . . . Christmas cards from friends, family and blogger friends. While our sudden departure meant putting a halt to one of my favorite pre-holiday activities -- writing and sending holiday cards. And, another favorite is receiving and displaying them. Here's the display above our fireplace.

We are grateful to all who sent these greetings and special thanks to the fellow bloggers who mailed a card. The Christmas season may be "officially" over for retailers, but these cards will remain displayed for the next couple of weeks. They bring us great joy.
Thanks, Everyone.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

a joyful wall after the crisis you both had during the holidays. Happy After the Holidays

Montanagirl said...

What a fun way to display your cards! I'm afraid I was remiss in sending you a card this year. I've pretty much quit sending cards at all, and somehow time just got away from me! The older I get, the more that seems to happen. But I did thought of you!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That's a nice welcome home! So happy to hear your Mom is recovering nicely...:)JP

Out on the prairie said...

You were well remembered

Lois Evensen said...

What a lovely display. I didn't display ours at home this year since we left the day after Christmas and I didn't want to leave the "take down" of extra decorations to our daughter. She is busy enough right now with the dogs and the beginning of tax season.

Debbie said...

lovely to look at!! mine are still on display as well!!

Connie said...

They look pretty there! Sounds like a nice thing to come home too. :)

Unknown said...

Glad you are home and able to still enjoy the holidays by cards displayed....our cards are the last thing I remove...this year we received fewer again...and of course wonder about those who did not do the annual card check in..those with whom we have no other contact in the year...

Elaine said...

Makes for a colorful display--well worth keeping up for a few extra weeks to enjoy!

William Kendall said...

You got quite a lot of them! I like the colours.