
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saving Christmas for Peanuts for peanuts

NO NO, I didn't repeat myself in the title. You've all heard of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree I'm sure. He saves this poor little tree just in the nick of time and "Saves Christmas". Well, our Saving Christmas was a little different this year. On a cold slushy Saturday we were strolling through CVS looking for windshield washer, and noticed some "Peanuts" characters on the Christmas clearance shelf. Wow!!!! 50% off. Off of $16.95 that is, making each one just $8.47. So the 3 that we liked would have come to a total of $25.42. A little to rich for our pocketbook.

The next day we were back in CVS and now they were a whopping 90% off. What a deal. Just $1.70 each. Well after some discussion about not collecting more STUFF, and agreeing that they were cute, even without Lucy, we decided to get them.
Come on folks, how could you pass up Peppermint Patty, Charlie Brown, and Snoopy for a mere $5.07 including tax. As we were standing in line Beatrice just happened to find a CVS coupon in her wallet. A coupon good for $5 off any purchase. Even clearance items!!!!! This was a deal on top of a deal.
We ended up saving Christmas for Peanuts at just $0.07 (yes that is seven cents). Mere peanuts when you think of it.


L. D. said...

Now that is the kind of sale that I wait and watch for. Your could garage sale them down the road and charge a dollar for them and come out way ahead. Great investment as far as I am concerned.

grammie g said...

Hi Grenville.... Now that is a deal and a half or quarters, or dimes or nickels ..oh right pennies all 7 of them!!
My favorite is sarcastic Peppermint Patty, love that girl!!

Freezing rain here... Ice storm take 2 Yikes!!


Grammy Goodwill said...

That is the most amazing bargain ever! I love Peanuts.

Country Gal said...

No that is peanuts for peanuts lol ! They are cute good bargain . It is mild rainy and slushy sloppy here to today ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

Anonymous said...

That never happens to me :-)

I like them all so much!

Have a great day!

Connie said...

What a great deal! They are cute too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

truly amazing story and what a deal

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a deal is right!!!!...:)JP

Rebecca said...

You should be proud of your great bargain!

Doris said...

That is just too crazy! What a bargain... And they are so cute. Love your little tree, too !

NCmountainwoman said...

I love them! Next year I'm going to skip the drive-thru window and see if I can find them. Even at full price.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Those are adorable and of course I would have grabbed them up! I've seen some deals..but this is fantastic. I just bought something for next years Christmas today. I couldn't pass up a picture of Santa for my wall. This is the time of year for deals like this..and you scored BIG time! :)

Leonora said...

The Charlie Brown Christmas CD is my favorite music at Christmas. You can't have Christmas without Charlie Brown : )

Kay G. said...

What a great deal! And I don't blame you one bit, I would line them up and photograph them and post about them too!
And don't worry about not having Lucy...I can come to you next Christmas and sit beside them, I look just like LUCY! HA!

Anvilcloud said...

I think you guys are plain nuts.

William Kendall said...

Now that is a deal!

Lucy was probably off holding Schroeder hostage.