
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Snow, Eastern Shore Style

We often joke about the snow here on the Eastern Shore, but this was truly an Eastern Shore style snow.  Most of the fields this time of year are either barren or light green with a cover crop. The barren ones most likely had been corn or soy bean fields. With all of the rain we have had this fall many fields have not been tilled and seeded with a cover crop, leaving lots of left over delectables.
Some may not realize that the Eastern Shore is a major avian migratory route. Spring and fall we are treated to seeing many different birds. Some just stopping over, and some coming for the season.
The other day as we were heading to a friends house we happened to be passing one of those fields.
Eastern Shore folk really do not like snow. Not to walk in, drive in, or shovel. And sometimes i have to agree with them. Unless of course, the snow has black tipped wings. This is a field with a flock of about 1000 Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens.) Even larger flocks are normal here during the winter months. The show they put on is truly spectacular as one flies up and all the rest follow. A huge blur of white with black tips. And they don't go far. Sometimes just circling the field a few times and then landing. Until, of course, another one decides to take a spin.
AND the best part is....... NO Shoveling Required!!!!

Hope every one has a Magnolious Weekend


DeniseinVA said...

I love this kind of snow!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a beautiful sight!!!...:)JP

Montanagirl said...

I like that style of snow - great shots!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amazing sight!

Anonymous said...


I would love that kind of snow here :-)

Have a great day!

NCmountainwoman said...

What a sight!

Connie said...

Beautiful sight! That's the kind of snow I could get used to. Happy weekend to you both. :)

Lois Evensen said...

Very pretty snow, indeed! I bet that field was a little messy, thought....

Ginnie said...

I agree, that's the best type of "snow" !!

Elaine said...

While we see the snow geese here during migration we don't see them in the huge numbers like that. I have seen the huge flocks that overwinter in the Skagit Valley in Washington where my son lives. It's really quite breathtaking.

William Kendall said...

It doesn't surprise me that they'd treat that area as a good wintering over or rest stop sort of place.