
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lost Comments Anyone?

Apologies to several blog friends who have left comments on previous posts, which are always appreciated, even IF we NEVER saw them. I found out that some comments were not showing when a blog friend, Christer, said he has been posting comments that recently have not displayed. 

Is anyone else in "blogdom" having this same problem?

Something odd is going on in Blogger, which in itself is nothing new. I'm not sure if it started when I changed the Comments settings to allow embedded comments. Doing so allows a reply to be made to a posted comment directly in the Comments section. Since making this chance, I have left replies there, but don't think that many people return to read the comment. There's just so much time in all our lives to post to our own blogs and read and comment on other blogs without returning to Comments left for others.

Going forward, I have returned to "Comments with no reply" in the (futile?) hope that this might resolve the problem of some comments NOT displaying. Christer uses Wordpress as his blogging platform in case that matters. But since previous comments were displayed, I am uncertain that this makes any difference.

Your comments . . . AND hopefully we WILL see them.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's just Blogger that dislikes WordPress bloggers very much :-) We'll know after this :-)

I've enjoyed Your trip to Niagra F very much, especially the post of the dooms day profet :-)

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Now at least I can see my comments again :-)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

By some chance did you click on "Hide Current Comments" ? There is one prompt like that.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

The pop-up "Leave Comment" seems to be the best instead of the other options, it has less glitches. Although its easier on the postee just to look below the blog post and start typing their comment instead of clicking on "leave comment". But many have been having trouble and then have to op back to the clicking on "leave comment" and wait till the pop-up page appears.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for returning to pop up, i do not like embedded but i never say anything because it is that person blog but now i can say i love pop up best. since i never go back after the first visit not sure if mine were there or not

L. D. said...

Yes, I just now made a comment on someone elses blog and it said "whoops something went wrong." The comment was lost. I did reload the page but blogger should not be messing up like this

grammie g said...

Hi B... I have not been able to leave comment for at least a week on anybodies post's !! When I hit the publish comment the pointer was freezing up and would take a bit for it to move!! So there was no comments, but back in business I hope!!
I have gone to the replies for commenting, and have had no problems!! I do have a few blogger who come back and I too them!!

If it's free have to expect delays LOL !! ; )


Montanagirl said...

There's always some glitch or other with Blogger. Guess I've never gone back revisited blogs to see if my comments are showing up. If you don't see any from me, jangle my chain, because I always comment on your blog. (Gotta keep track of your recipes!! LOL)

betty said...

I have two blogs that I follow that I have to get into through Google Chrome rather than AOL, my usual browser, otherwise my comments do not show up on their blog, but interesting they get an email of the comment. Weird.


Connie said...

Blogger seems to sputter every once in a while for me here and there. I hope it starts working properly for you again soon.

Lois Evensen said...

Hmm. In answer to your question, no, I haven't had problems with Blogger comments not appearing. My problem is with Yahoo mail that I use to get my personal mail from several different sources, especially when out to sea when downloading via satellite. Yahoo has decided to screw up a good thing by trying to make it much more fancy than our satellite and networked (untouchable by normal humans) browser can handle. I get my Blogger comments via email and post them that way since I can't log directly into Blogger (too slow connection) while floating around out here....

Sunday hugs from Port Canaveral where I have a REAL internet connection today via my personal Verizon account.
