
Monday, October 7, 2013

Battle of the Bulge

Not exactly the major German offensive campaign of World War IIIMG_1823, but  one that’s currently being fought at The Frog & PenguINN by Grenville and Beatrice (also Pat and Dorothy).

For the next several weeks, this will be the enemy. Hopefully, we will become friendly allies in future weeks.

Road trips are always good things, but sometimes too much of a good thing, like eating out, is NOT  because then there’s TOO much of us. Now, we’re back home and among several “old friends” who have appeared here before. IMG_1833We go way back, and since returning from our mostIMG_1856 recent adventure to the Falls and Toronto, we’ve  been sampling some familiar and new recipes. Some will be shared here.

We’re also renewing friendships at the local “Y” with some favorite and no-so-favorite torture exercise equipment.YMCA collage1The holidays are fast approaching (see tomorrow's post for HOW fast). We want to have less of ourselves to celebrate them.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this fight is on going in our house, we slip back we fight again and again and again. great to get a jump on the holidays

Rebecca said...

Thanksgiving and sabotage. Wait for New Year's. Oh, forgot Valentine's Day!

Montanagirl said...

HaHa! I know what you mean. I'm a grazer and a snacker, but don't eat huge meals, esp. not in the evening. I just seem able to maintain an even keel with my weight. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones ? ?

barbara l. hale said...

I sure understand that about road trips. I recently started going to the Y for water aerobics. Then my doctor more or less tells me that it isn't really exercise. Feels like exercise to me.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh how I can relate to this! I am still in Germany but was able to get on line today and moderate some comments. Wedding celebrations are winding down now :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to know we are not alone in this battle, Sandra.

Connie said...

Vacations and trips always bring along extra dinners out for us too. Why is it so easy to put those pounds on, but so hard to take them off again. Sigh.

Out on the prairie said...

I gave up worrying, I just try to have fun doing what I do.