
Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall Colors? — Not Here

Some fellow bloggers have been posting about wonderful seasonal fall colors in their area(s). We have longingly admired them, yet fall color has not yet reached a large portion of the VA eastern shore, except on the calendar.

Sure, we’ve had a few recent nights when temps dipped into the low 40s. There was even an early morning frost last week, but the predominant color here remains green. Here’s a view of crepe myrtles at the side of the house taken late this afternoon.IMG_2572

Leaf raking is still a couple of weeks (or more) away. Eventually, these leaves will turn to beautiful yellow and red colors around Thanksgiving. Our garden and yard flowers also seem to be thinking of another season. Here’s what some flowers in the wildflower meadow looked like this earlier today.meadow flowers1027

Not to be outdone in the colorful department were these blooms in front and back yard pots. Apparently also enjoying  a rejuvenation in cooler weather.

back yard blooms1027front yard blooms1027

Some yard flowers and plants are showing appropriate seasonal colors . . .fall colors1027

We’re looking forward to MORE fall colors, hopefully before winter starts.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

collage 1 and 4 are beautiful to me, love those wild flowers and the colors are so pretty... the pinks in the collages are my mothers favorite colors, she loved those deep shades of pinks...

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

Enjoy those flowers! We've had a hard frost here so my geraniums etc are kapoot.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

HI!! :)
We have ONE tree like yours right in front of our front porch and usually the leaves are nearly gone this time of year. And the pear tree..also NO golden leaves yet. A late Fall? Summer was late this year as well..strange.
I love our one tree. How lucky you are to have three!

It's rained much of the day and evening and is still raining so I imagine the lovely Mum's lining our lawn will be beaten down in the morning. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Anvilcloud said...

Latitude being what it is, our colours are done. Stark is the word.

Montanagirl said...

Oh my goodness - your flowers/collages are so beautiful! We, on the other hand, have no flowers, and 25 degrees this morning, and snow on the ground (just a dusting).

DeniseinVA said...

Our fall colors have been pretty but muted too. Love the flowers :)

L. D. said...

There is a tint of color coming. A lot of ours turned over night. I do agree one doesn't want snow before the leaves come down.

Debbie said...

Those colorful flowers sure do make up for what your missing in the trees!!

Triumph said...

We had astonishing beautiful weather for a couple weeks while the trees were full with color. It doesn't get better! Now most leaves are on the ground. There aren't many flowers in bloom but a few chrysanthemum's are still blossoming.

Anonymous said...

Our fall colors seem later than usual this year. I loved seeing your pretty blooms. Have a nice afternoon.

Rebecca said...

I have a friend coming in about a week and all our pretty trees will most likely be naked by then. Good thing about living on 50 some acres is no raking!

Lois Evensen said...

Color here and there. What is nice about blogging is that we can see the colors change all everywhere over a long period of time. Love your flowers. :)

Cicero Sings said...

Our fall colours have come and gone. Sigh. Had a couple of COLD nights. We had one night of rain but have had mostly clear, sunny weather. Chilly this morn ... I had to drive my neighbour to a nearby town to have a colonoscopy. Mingus and I wandered around for a couple hours there (brrrr) waiting for her to be done and ready for pick up.

Connie said...

Wow! Beautiful photos! Might as well enjoy those pretty flowers as long as you can.

Elaine said...

Gorgeous collages!

Gunn said...

Interesting posting.
I guess it is just different from Stavanger.