
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Change is Good (and Overdue)

imageChange is good, so we’ve heard. And after a couple of years of the same old blog layout and header, Grenville and I decided that The Frog & PenguINN needed an overhaul. It was long overdue, but complacency sets in.

So, after much hemming and hawing and procrastination we decided to just go ahead and “do it.”

The problem is that while we changed the layout to what we consider a “cleaner” look by using the Simple template in Blogger, some things are not working as hoped.

For example, the color of the post title. It would seem that this could be easily done in the template under “advanced” but despite selecting a different color and font for the post title, the blue color shown here remains. The same applies for the post footer where the font and color remains unchanged despite different fonts and colors being selected.

Fellow bloggers, can you advise HOW to make these changes?

Also, some of the links to previous blog posts and ones to other blogs show in light blue, while other display in grey. Any clue WHY?

And, since the widths were modified for this template, we would appreciate feedback on whether there are any problems viewing it on your monitors. It seems that changing widths can cause problems depending on the monitor resolution.image
Grenville and I would appreciate your feedback on the blog’s “new” look. And, we’ll probably make more changes after seeing how much frustration fun we’ve had with these.

More later — stay tuned.


Doris said...

I haven't been able to change anything on my blog other than the header picture.... Frustration, indeed!!! I'd be happy to know what's up with that as well. At least I know it's not just me =)

Anonymous said...

I think it should go a little to the left..... No No, maybe a little right. How 'bout some green????? And flashing lights so no one trips on the new design!!!!!

betty said...

I do like the new look; it came out okay on my blog/server with the size of the columns. I haven't changed my blog in a bit, but I do remember to get the width it was trial and error playing around with it to get the look I wanted. Good luck!


Elaine said...

Always good to shake things up every now and again. Everything shows up fine. Because of my old eyes I would suggest maybe using a larger font. I'm still thinking about the bright white background, but I think something a little softer would be easier to read too. I've been thinking of some changes to my format also, but I'm still in the hemming and hawing stage. That could go on for a while!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can read it ok, fits he screen well, i hate to ask this, but when you made your changes, did it change in preview? and if so did you save it? i have not used simple but i would think it should work just like the others... i will look at mine and see if it has changed, mine has been the same for a long time. larger font would be good for me but i can deal with it the way it is. i never ask what blogger think, i say fix it like you like it and that is that.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I like your header!!! I like the simple look too, easy on the eye.
Sometimes once you click on a blog post the font color will change to let you know you have viewed that post. If you clear your cookies and temp files and such that will go back to the color as all the other post were. Since blogspot changed made some changes, I am still struggling to find stuff I once knew where they were so I cant help you and I am also using an old template they no longer offer in the newer sets. There was a way you could find my old template as it has a wider posting area but I cant find how to get to my old template.

BUT Great NEW look!

Connie said...

It looks good to me. Unless I am looking at the wrong thing, your post title shows up as black or maybe dark grey to me, not blue. Your links are all in blue though. I'm afraid I don't have any advice for you except to say good luck!

Montanagirl said...

I'm one of those that goes with the flow. I'm not much on change either, hence my blog appearance just stays pretty much the same. Maybe you've inspired me. As for your new look, It's very clean looking, but a lot of white to absorb. But that's a matter of personal preference. A larger font would help some. What is it with age? I have a hard time reading anything too small. Good for you though for shaking things up!

Rebecca said...

Looks great! I wondered where I had gotten myself to, for a moment!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I can't help You at all, it's problematic enough to remember how I change things on WordPress :-)

But the grey text on mine and Hermits blog is strange (but I like to be the odd one :-) ) I thought it had to do that I didn't have a Blogger blog, but Hermits has so that's not the reason.

I agree with Elaine, it would be nice to not have a bright white background otherwise I think everything looks just fine.

Have a great day!

Anvilcloud said...

It's about time (he said stamping his foot).

I don't have the answer to your queries dearies, but I like this cleaner look.

Debbie said...

love this, a nice, clean, unclutter look for you!!

Unknown said...

No problem viewing it at all, looks good...I tinker with mine from time to time but have not done any major overhaul yet. I would like to change the email but Blogger is not allowing me, so I muddle thru. I do prefer a cleaner look to the darker blogs, especially sometimes the black ones, I have problems viewing.