
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Checked the Calendar?

We have and here's what the one in our kitchen shows, some nice pumpkins and the current month.
Yet, THIS is what I found at the local WalMart this afternoon . . . trees and tikis
Trees tikis
Mixed in with bulbs (not the holiday ones) and feeders . . .
Garden accessories
There were wreaths and lots of ribbons and bows . . .
Wreaths bows
Ribbons paper
The stockings and hats were NOT hung with care; Santa and teddy bears were there, but Santa did not look like a "right jolly old elf."
Stockings hats
Santa friends
Years ago,holiday ornaments came in traditional colors — red, green, silver, gold — there wasn't this myriad of colors in years past. Do people really LIKE these colors?
Christmas balls2
Pink blue balls
Lights now come in various sizes, colors and styles — small to large and there's no shortage of outdoor trimmings too.
Holiday lites
Outdoor decos
Maybe, the Grinch was right in saying, "I must find a way to keep Christmas from coming" at least until AFTER Thanksgiving.
Christmas craze collage
As Cindy Lou Who said in The Grinch movie (2000), "Everybody seems to kerbabbled. Isn't this just a little superfluous?" 
OR as the Grinch learned, "It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags. Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store; maybe Christmas means a little bit more."


The Odd Essay said...

I, too, saw Christmas items in a Wal-Mart here in Ohio today... and we still have Columbus Day, Halloween, All Saints Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving (and my birthday) to celebrate before Christmas! What IS this world coming to?

Connie said...

Yes, I saw Christmas trees up in the stores here this week too. The retailers do anything they can to make more money, I suppose.

Country Gal said...

Oh I know I worked in a big 2 story department store like Walmart but it was a Canadian company called Zellers for over 10 years and I was one of the ones that had to set up the Christmas displays at this time of year what was worse they would start playing Christmas music the first week of November by the time Christmas came I was sick of the tunes lol . The stores are always pushing the seasons . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was in Hobby Lobby last week and I have never seen so much Christmas in one place. and they had black trees and black and silver ornament were every where. the colors were like these, every color there is.... i decided after i picked up a few things to look at the prices the reason they put it out now is if anyone wants to purchase this stuff they hae to have months to pay for it.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Way too early but I guess they feel the need to grab peoples wallets early before the season gets deep and people spend it on other things like food perhaps. Tickle the eyes with what you think you want and have to have it now.

Rebecca said...

We went to Wal-Mart and tried to find some wasp spray. That shelf was now filled with Christmas ornaments. Guess we'll just have to let them freeze to death!

possum said...

Yes, it is amazing. But I guess you were UP north when they actually started putting this stuff out in SEPTEMBER!
Sad. It is just sad.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Not up north, but right here in the south at our eastern shore WalMart, although most likely it's the same in other places as well.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Seems retailers are in a hurry, way too soon, and of course many folks will start shopping now.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Or buy them holiday gear, Rebecca.

Elaine said...

I hope they left room for Halloween stuff! Gotta have the Halloween candy for the trick or treaters--or in my case, Marty's sweet tooth.

betty said...

Just too darn early for me. I can only imagine one day they'll leave the merchandise up year round.
