
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Smart Camera

Electronic devices now are being billed as “smart” and digitalcamera box cameras are no exception. Some current models have touch LCD screens, plus an all-in-one mobile app. With a touch LCD, you can “touch type” like on a tablet or smart phone to edit, email or upload to other devices and/or social media.

This new camera is a SMART one with these features (and more).

I purchased it model thanks largely to the enthusiastic recommendation of a good friend who had just bought one. The camera has multiple Wi-Fi capabilities — from automatically sending photos to a smart phone while you're shooting to backing up to cloud storage or e-mailing photos straight from the camera. We don’t have smart phones and I haven’t backed up to a cloud (only my PC), BUT that emailing feature is WB250 (3)
WHY a new camera?

camera front1My “brand loyalty” to Canon products was “atta here” after my 2 Canon digital ELPH cameras developed the same problem. A small dot was visible on the LCD and incanon no (4) images when the lens was zoomed beyond 4X, maybe caused by bad pixels (?).  Canon tech support said to send the camera to their repair facility. The resulting “diagnosis” was that the models were not were repairable. I was offered the chance to buy a refurbished unit with a 3-month warranty.
Time for a change. The new camera came with an extended warranty bringing it to 15 months. 
camera zoomThe Samsung WB250F is small at 2.4 x 4.2 x 0.9 inches and under 7 ounces. Its 18X zoom covers a 24-432mm (35mm equivalent) field of view. It has a 14 MP backside-illuminated (BSI) CMOS sensor.  From OFF to first shot takessamsung WB250 (8) 1.5 seconds, shot-to-shot time is about 1 second.  Unlike other cameras, the flash doesn’t release on its own, you press the flash button on top to use it. The flash can be angled for bounced flash photography.

This Samsung camera has features I haven’t even tried yet, but there’s still time before our anniversary road trip in late Sept.
The Best Face feature automatically selects the best facial expressions from a burst shot of 5 frames. You then can pick the best face and it will be seamlessly combined into one photo. Here’s my self-portrait taken sitting on the front porch,hand-holding the camera.
SplitShot lets you take images side-by-side which are then combined into a single image like these examples:
split screen (4)split screen (1)split screen (2)split screen (3)
One feature on my “to do” list, lets me control the camera remotely from an iPad using AutoShare. Turning this feature on wirelessly pairs the camera with a smart phone or tablet. Then, every shot taken will be immediately sent from the camera to the device for  upload on the go or to be viewed on a larger screen.

So far, the camera has proven quite capable; these images were taken with it.meadow collage


Anonymous said...

OOOH! Nice camera!

The small ones are just as good as the big ones or even better sometimes. Fine photographs and they are so easy to use. The only time they can be a bit difficult is when one wants to adjust everything oneself, like iso and speed but that's really no use when they can do that so great themselves.

A really good buy You've made!

Have a great day!

Montanagirl said...

That sounds like a fun little camera! I just bought the Canon Powershot SX 260 HS. I've never owned a pocket camera, and have always wanted one. It takes great pictures. I've always been a Canon girl, but I know there's lots of other good cameras out there, and I think you picked a winner!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks fantastic with all those things it can do and good for people who don't own a smart phone... and it takes great photos and easy to carry

Connie said...

I feel like everything is "smarter" than I am anymore. haha! I'm glad I have my sons around to show me how to do things. Great pictures! Looks like you got a good deal. :)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Dog-gon gal, these are super shots and so clear, Maybe I will ditch my complicated DSLR for one of these Smart cameras. Smaller and I like the angle flash option... WOW.

Will be looking to see what you take pics of after your next trip. So in the meantime, learn all you can on this camera, we expect great things from it and you.

Country Gal said...

Oh your gona have fun with that new camera ! We have had a few spots like that on our photos but that just means we have to clean the lenses or the inside of our cameras lol we do that ourselves . I have the Nikon D 3100 and Papa has the Nikon D 90 we use our point and shoot Nikon coolpix for quick takes when we don't want to lug all our equipment around lol ! Wonderful photos it takes and all the neat things it can do WOW ! You will be a snap happy camper lol ! Thanks for sharing ! I sent you an e-mail responding to your e-mail lol ! Have a great day !

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'll be shopping for a small one soon myself...I dropped my Nikon on concrete...not good! But you certainly have mastered your new one!...:)JP

Judy said...

Hi Beatrice,

It's been a long time since I've visited your site. In fact, I haven't been blogging much lately at all due to life's busyness.

But since you’re a follower of mine at Lights! Camera! Action! I wanted to let you know that I have launched a new photography website on called Judith Riddle Photography. Soon I will be deleting Lights! Camera! Action! so I can focus on my new site. I invite you to come visit me at my new home and become a follower via email. My goal is to begin blogging again on a regular basis and reconnect with you and my other followers. Thank you in advance.


Judy said...

Forgot to mention your camera. It's always exciting to have a new technology toy to play with isn't it?

Good luck with it!

DeniseinVA said...

This sounds like a great camera. I will be keeping it in mind when we are ready to buy a new point and shoot. Thanks for all the great info.

possum said...

Wow... looks like a fun new toy!
More tricks than I can handle - no wifi, no tablet, no cloud... but I love my Nikons and still have no idea all the things I might be able to do with them. Then I don't have the time to play with them, either. Oh well, I will just enjoy what you do with yours.

Triumph said...

It really is an amazing little camera at the price. Wait until you try the "waterfall" mode. It's magical.

Rebecca said...

My camera just developed a smudge in one corner also. SO maddening as I love the camera. All the sites I checked want me to remove the lens and clean behind it. That would be great if I had a removable lens. Did they tell you what caused it? Now I need to buy a new one and I only bought this about 2 years ago!!

Unknown said...

I'm hooked!!! Love the photos. I can't wait to see what else you can accomplish with your new camera. When we get together we will definitely have to discuss the pros and cons. Love to both of you. Marty

Ludwig said...

Congratulations on your new camera! Seems like you hit it off with it right from the go. Just don't let it outsmart you!
The picture you showed with the smudge looks like there is some dust on the inside of the camera. Too bad that Canon can't just clean that. Us DSLR folks suffer with these symptoms all the time as it is nearly impossible to prevent some dust from getting in when you change lenses. Good hunting with your new tioy!