
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mall Special Effects

Last week, we took a 90-minute drive north to The Centre Mall in Salisbury, MD. In these parts, it’s the closest to finding major shopping in one location with no tolls. By comparison, heading 90 minutes south to Virginia Beach shopping currently incurs a $17 toll on the Chesapeake Bay-Bridge Tunnel. We preferred to put that $ towards luggage purchases. And, most stores were giving 50% discounts with back-to-school sales — a worthwhile savings trip.

Mall architecture can present FUN photo ops. These SOOC (straight out of the camera) shots were taken with a Canon digital Elph that’s always with me. mall collage B
Same images with special effects in Picasa (selected at random) . . .Mall Pics EFX B
BEFORE shots . . .
mall collage1mall collage2
and AFTER effects . . .
Mall EFX collage1Mall EFX collage2
More later about WHY we got new luggage. Amazon is our usual way to shop (no 90-minute drive and home delivery). But some things, like luggage, are best seen up close.


DeniseinVA said...

Love the effects of your camera. We are lucky with all our stores but there is one place that I have been to that sounds very similar. It's called Potomac Mills.

Country Gal said...

Wonderful mall collages looks awesome . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

Montanagirl said...

Love the special effects from your camera! It's fun to experiment. I have to agree about the luggage thing and seeing it in person. But I'm very tempted to buy some lighter weight pieces - in person or not. Ours seems fairly heavy before we ever put anything in it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome architecture.. great shots of it to... our mall looks nothing like this, you know they would throw me out of this mall from taking to many photos. i like the special effects to but then you knew i would.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone. However, the special effects were done later in Picasa not in-camera. I only took the SOOC shots for those with no effects, which was still lots of fun.
Sandra, I know what you mean about taking mall shots cause once (someplace else) security told me I could not take the indoor shots.

Donna OShaughnessy said...

Ah....stunning. How you have motivated me to take better pictures and to do some fun effects with them

Anonymous said...

Great idea they all look amazing. One never thinks to take takes. Just look up in malls.

You have your thinking cap on today.

Thanks for sharing. next time I am in the city. I will think of that. Click, click.

Anonymous said...

I like those roof windows in the mall. Can't say I remember any place having those over here but then again I haven't been to many different malls in my life :-)

Have a great day!

Connie said...

Cool collage and neat shots! Wow, those toll prices are outrageous. I do most of my shopping online anymore too.

CountryDew said...

Interesting effects. I enjoyed seeing this.

barbara l. hale said...

Cool! Fun photos and effects!

Ludwig said...

Neat photos! Malls around here are extremely skittish about photography - will not give permission. I have been accosted by guards, even in an outdoor mall!