
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Still Simply Strawberries

It's August already and we are still harvesting strawberries with NO complaints.

The berries now are smaller than the first harvest in early June, followed up by more in late July. Still, they have been simply wonderful to add to other fruit for breakfast, especially in smoothies.

Any unusual happenings in your backyards or gardens? 


possum said...

I thought I was the only one! But I bought what was supposed to be ever-blooming strawberries... just some year's they don't, and some they do. I guess this year they were happier!

CountryDew said...

The strange wet weather has made multiple changes in veggies this year. Strawberries year round would be great!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this berry looks like it is a little shy...

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty photo!

Triumph said...

We enjoyed our first cherry tomatoes this week. The pear tree has a very small crop this year. We can't grow much at our place because of too much shade and soil that is mostly clay and rock. So we're growing the tomatoes and raspberries in planter boxes on our front deck.

Country Gal said...

Nothing like fresh fruit and veggies from your own gardens ! Have a good day !

Connie said...

Strawberries are one of my favorites. I like to use them lots of ways. I do wish we could get them longer through the year. Homegrown are the best!

NCmountainwoman said...

The continual rains have decimated the strawberry crops here. Soggy fields and mushy berries. But the SC crop has been delicious.

Lois Evensen said...


L. D. said...

I am really glad you can have a third crop on the vines. It is a beautiful shot of a great fruit.

Anonymous said...

I still can find wild ones and they still taste just as wonderful. This summer has been fantastic :-)

Have a great day!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I was wishing for some strawberries earlier tonight when we had a dish of ice cream!

What's happening in my garden is that the zucchinis are done for. The bugs have gotten to them.

Montanagirl said...

We like strawberries too. Don't have them very often though.

Rebecca said...

That sounds great. I love picking fresh fruit and then eating it. Finest kind.

Elaine said...

Ours are just starting to produce, but lots of green ones and blooms so hopefully we'll get lots.