
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Smart — NOT So Much

Ever make a mistake and buy something you thought would be great, then learn that it wasn't what you really wanted — or needed?

That's what I did after posting about and (very much)praising the technologically-laden features of a recent purchase, the Samsung WB250F Smart Camera. This compact digital has a mega 18X zoom Wi-Fi, and sharing features, in-camera editing to name a few.

This digital wonder was bought after a friend* bought one and was (and remains) wildly enthusiastic about its features. He's been having such fun trying them and emailing results to me. I was doing likewise and many emailed photos and tips traveled between the VA eastern shore and Oregon in the past 3 weeks.

Option wise, it's a terrific camera for many — but I learned that MY preference is a camera that takes photos which can later be downloaded or uploaded to share with others. The camera's Wi-Fi feature was great fun, but uses battery life and time. Unlike other devices (smart phone, iPad, iPod) which can take and email photos, the camera doesn't retain a contacts list. And, that touch screen is as small and tedious to use as on those other devices.

So, the camera and I parted ways this week. It was sold on eBay and is currently on its way to a new owner in Mississippi.

* And, yes we remain friends.


DeniseinVA said...

I hope your next camera will suit better. I have been there!

Southhamsdarling said...

Hallo Beatrice! Thank you so much for popping over to my blog and leaving a comment on my Happiness post. I hope to see you again. Oh my, the times I have done this - bought things full of enthusiasm, only for them to then languish in a cupboard somewhere! At least you have passed yours on and recouped some of the money. I have a Nikon D3100 SLR, which cost a lot of money, but, do you know, the camera on my iPhone is so good, that I just use that most of the time, especially as there are so many sites where you can edit your photos nowadays.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great idea to sell it on ebay.. and yes, i have done this before and was not smart enough to sell it and start over... and i have found that what one person loves another will not, camera's are personal, just like clothing and make up or even cars... that is the reason i don't read book or movie reviews, because what a person says about a movie or book, i will probably think the opposite... in other words to each his own. thanks for the idea of selling something i don't like.

Glenda said...

Popped in by way of South Ham's Darling (thisisme). I've bought things on the recommendation of others before and found that each person has their own person preferences - from your description, I don't think I would like this camera either. I have a Nikon CoolPix L120 - nothing fancy, but it gets the job done - great photos to share and easy to use - plus makes great close-ups for Ebay. Enjoying your blog.

Montanagirl said...

I know what you mean about cameras. I recently bought a pocket camera: the Canon SX 260 HS Powershot. It too, has a powerful zoom (20x optical). It takes great photos, but I almost need to steady it on something when I use full power on the zoom.

Kmcblackburn said...

It happens! I think that is the reason EBay was invented :). Live and learn, right? Thank you for stopping by my blog. And I wanted to tell you that yes, my blog title IS from my fav holiday movie "A Christmas Story". I also felt it had a nice connection to photography if read outside the context of Ralfie and his Red Ryder gun :)

Connie said...

Ah well. To each his or her own. We have a camera too that didn't turn out to be what we were looking for. There are so many out there, and they all have so many different features, it's hard to know ahead of time what is the best choice for you.

Anvilcloud said...

It doesn't sound like a total loss, then, and I bet you had some fun with it and also did some learning.

Country Gal said...

One reason I prefer the larger cameras like my Nikon D3100 or the Nikon D3200 it looks heavy and clunky but it is not it is as light as most point and shoots even with my large lens on and they can do so much to. I am sorry this camera didn't work with you at all . Hope you find one the does ! Have a good day !

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

NO say its not so? I know you were so excited about this camera... This is a bummer. So what are you looking at now to take with you?

possum said...

Sorry it did not work out for you.
As I have said before, I still love my "old" Nikon D60... it works for me and is comfortable as I was a Nikon SLR owner for years and years before that. I carry the little Nikon Coolpix with me when a big camera is too much to tote.
Simple works best for me...
Good luck with the next one!

Anonymous said...

To bad You had to part but if one doesn't like the camera it's the best thing to do. It doesn't take long until one starts to hate the damned thing :-)

I hope You'll find another one that fits You better!

Have a great day!

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