
Monday, August 26, 2013

Presenting,,,, for the First Time........

Nora and Nick Nikon,,,, (imagine a drumroll please) (or do one if you like)
Nora and Nick Nikon's first appearance together.
Oh My, what a cute couple they make (gag) and so sweet they're holding lens caps (double gag).

OK OK OK ,,, enough of this foolishness. Yes here are the new cameras that Beatrice and I bought. I guess you could call them our Anniversary presents to ourselves.  The question is does this make us Nikonettes, Nikoners, Nikonophobes, Nikonokons??????

I have to admit i have done more reading of the manual for this camera then i've done for any camera. But this possible testosterone reducing venture has taught me more about this camera than any i've owned. Usually it was just keep it on AUTO, then point and shoot. But this time i'm exploring settings, scenes, modes, and effects. WOW what a lot to learn. I may even start taking some good photos soon.

One thing i have learned is that auto focus doesn't work so good when zooming out to 1000mm (yes you read that right) to get a closeup of a dragon fly that is about 3 feet from you. BUT with some persistence, and a very patient Blue Darner, I did get a nice picture of this beauty.
 Next time i'll try for a closeup of that cute face with those BIG green eyes.
Our test run this weekend was a safari to the Salisbury Md Zoological Park. Here are some of the folks that were watching me fumble around.


I'd go say Hello but its so comfy here.
Manny, Moe, and Jack?????

Do I have dirt on my  nose???
Just wash your face and come for lunch...

You Lookin' At Me???????

He can't possible get a close up at that distance...

If I sit real still they won't notice me till January.

Turkey???? What Turkey???? I didn't see a Turkey!!!!!

Which side do you think is my best?????
THE END!!!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

great looking cameras, i like their names and the photos THEY took. ha ha on that.. the Eagle is fantastic and i LOVE THE END shot...

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos ! Papa and I have been using Nikon's for years and they never fail us . His is the D90 mine is the D3100. I find that on line tutorials helped us learn more of the cameras then the manual lol we have had our Nikon's for years and still haven't used them to their potential yet lol I have read that even the pros that use Nikon's said they haven't used theirs to the full potential either ! Have fun with them . Thanks for sharing ! Have a snap happy day !

Ludwig said...

Congratulations on getting your new twins. And welcome to Nikonia! Great photos you have here. Looking forward to many more sights from your Nikonomania.

Anvilcloud said...

Happy nikonography to you.

Montanagirl said...

Wow, two Nikons! You did good with your photos. Loved them and your commentary. There's a lot to learn when you take it off of Auto. I've shot more than one "Black" photo with the wrong settings on Tv. LOL

DeniseinVA said...

What fun you've been having with your new cameras. Great photos!

Triumph said...

Reading the manual? Since you both have the same camera maybe you can take turns reading each other a chapter before bedtime. Reading my camera's manual does a good job of putting me to sleep. Love the three turtles' shot!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Looks like my sony xh100. Great shots!! It does take some time to get use to the new camera. You inspired me to dig out my sony tonight and charge the battery so I can sit on the porch and take some picture of my hummer while the weather is good. Was in the hospital a few days and the dr said to take it easy for 10-14 days and I cant think of a better way to take it easy... with my camera. I so hope you have fun with your new camera.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Love all your pictures! Have fun with your new cameras.

Rebecca said...

I sent you several responses from my phone that went up to the satellite and back to my phone as undeliverable. They make no sense to me so you would really be confused! Didn't ignore you! I'll send from a reliable source from now on!

possum said...

As I said before, welcome to the wonderful world of Nikon! I have had Nikons since the mid-70s and inherited a bunch of compatible lenses which are fun to use also.
Have fun! You are playing with the best of the best!