
Monday, June 25, 2012

We LIKE You, but Just Wondering

YES, it’s TRUE we really like you and Grenville & best friends (6)Beatrice (us) are very glad that you enjoy visiting The Frog & PenguINN blog.

It makes us S-M-I-L-E

AND, we read and appreciate every comment, but are having a “time issue” finding it takes lots of time to reply to comments and find time to visit and comment on other blogs.

So, fellow bloggers, we wonder?
DO you feel a reply is needed for  comments made on your blog posts or do you comment only when there’s a question? (We appreciate that many bloggers reply to every post comment; others don’t.)
GOING forward, Grenville and I will continue to read and appreciate ALL blog comments, cause we really, really like getting them. But, we won’t reply to your comments unless there’s a specific question(s).
? will always be answered, so feel free to ask; also you can always email us, as many fellow bloggers have done.

Please feel free to share your views on this topic.


Anonymous said...

Personally I answer all comments in my blog but I don't expect that from other bloggers. Most actually doesn't answer comments in their blogs but answer questions I may ask in a comment in my blog. Both ways works fine for me :-)

Have a great day!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I respond to questions via email and say thank you for the comment but there are situations I just cant get to all who leave comments but I am sure they know they are well received.

Ludwig said...

Thank you for asking that question. I have not given it much thought. When I receive a question, I definitely answer it. Many comments, especially complimentary ones, seem to require a thank you or another reply. Some comments stand on their own without a response. I don't get many comments since most of my blogging is quite technical. I don't respond to all. I will want to make sure in the future that I do not appear impolite. Thanks for bringing up the topic.

john bain said...

I don't always comment or reply to comments unless a question needs answering. I do like to let my readers know how much I appreciate them though by telling them just that, every now and then.

Montanagirl said...

I usually only answer a direct question when asked. I love getting comments, but you're right, it's time consuming to read, write, re-read, answer questions, etc.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Beatrice, an interesting post. It's a major challenge to answer all comments and sometimes I fall so far behind, depends on what is going on at the time, that I sometimes forget to get back to people. I try and revisit everyone who comments on my blog and just hope that people understand if I can't. I don't expect them in return though, and am happy just to visit blogging friends when time allows.

Case in point, thank you for visiting and telling me about your apps for IPad, especially thinking of Blogsy which I will definitely look into. I've been downloading mostly free ones up to now, but there have been a few that I have paid for. I also like the word games and Netflix sounds like a good idea too. We don't have it but people keep telling us that we are missing out. Have a great week.

Doris said...

I love reading blogs. I love getting to know folks through their blogs. I love learning new things. I'm glad I started blogging. BUT - it takes an huge chunk of time to do it!! Soooo, I will not judge anyone for not commenting or not replying to a comment. Life needs to be lived!

NCmountainwoman said...

I do not answer each comment. I used to do so but found myself simply saying thanks for the comment, etc. I do address specific questions or comments.

For the most part I do not re-visit the comment section on other people's blogs after I comment. So if the blogger replied to my comment I likely did not see it.

Theotherjew said...

Hey! Stop spending so much time with all the grandkids and you'd have time to answer all the comments. [this is a joke]

Seriously, don't sweat the small stuff. I comment on few of your posts but reading them makes me smile, even the "What is this?" posts. I haven't posted a blog in a year, though I have some drafts floating out there waiting to be good and get a click on the publish button.

Happy 4th of July my friends.

Elaine said...

I normally reply only when there's a question or something else that seems to require a response. The main reason, as you say, is it's really time consuming. I think most of the blogs I follow do the same. Just getting a post of my own up every few days is sometimes all I can manage, and then I need to play catch-up on all the blogs I like to read, and that seems to keep increasing as time goes on. There are only so many hours in the day, and I think everyone has to decide what approach works best for them. So that's my view--do what you're comfortable with and don't worry about it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i never reply to comments by going back to my blog, if that is what you mean. my comments from my blog come to me in my email, i read them and click reply by email, not to all, but some. for people who choose not to have their email address i don't reply unless they ask a question i will go to their blog and answer.

Connie said...

I do try to reply to most of the comments on my blog, but sometimes I am short on time and don't do it. I don't have any problems with those who don't reply though. I think it's a personal choice of whatever feels right to you or whatever you want to do.

Out on the prairie said...

i like tyo comment just to let friends know I stopped by, but it does take time somedays that I don't have.My going back to work has crimped my style a bit.

L. D. said...

I like to comment and if I ask a question, which is rare, I would expect it to be sent by email. Some closer friend blogger actually do comment and then write an email to tell personal things.

Grammy Goodwill said...

Glad you posted this as I am struggling with the same issue. I still don't know what I'm going to do about it.