
Thursday, June 28, 2012

A (Little) More on Gardenias

An earlier post  gave background info on the gardenia plant and described one that’s been blooming in our front yard. A few of the buds have come cut off and placed in water on the kitchen pass-through where we’ve been enjoying them for up to 2 days at a time.
gardenia0614 (2)The fragrance has been wonderful whenever a breeze blew through the open kitchen windows. Alas, our enjoyment is fast coming to a close, because while some new buds are blooming , most have already opened. . .
gardenia0627 (2)Most are past their prime . . .
gardenia0627 (1)gardenia0627 (4)
But still quite lovely . . .
gardenia0627 (3)Bloom time for a gardenia can be from 3-8 days, but closer to the shorter end of that range. Gardenia blossoms bruise and turn brown easily when touched or when it’s windy. They open white and then mature to creamy yellow. When the flowers start to brown, they should be removed to make room for new buds and flowers.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can almost smell the fragrance. and somewhere I have the beautiful turning brown pics like these.

Country Gal said...

I have been dead heading my flowers for weeks now all of them .It makes for blumper plants and more blooms ! Lovely photos ! It is stiffling hot and humid here today ! Rain in the forcast in a day or so we need it badly ! Have a great day !

Charlotte Wilson said...

We have 2 gardenias in our front yard. The aroma is intoxicating isn't it?


Mellodee said...

I love gardenias. They are such an elegant and beautiful flower. Such a pity that the blooms only stay for a very few days! And the scent??? Oh my, intoxicating indeed!!

Anonymous said...

They sure are pretty and smell so good! Ours has bloomed and we cut it back some and now it is blooming again. Nothing smells sweeter!

Diana said...

So Gorgeous, I didn't know they were blooming. We don't have a bush. But I can almost smell them too, Hi Beatrice! love,Diana

Doris said...

So beautiful! I would love a gardenia in my yard. I like bringing flowers into the house. I have daisy's and zinia's to cut. Lily's too but I let those to enjoy outdoors.