Yesterday’s post showed Grenville’s 2012 veggie garden. We also have lots of flowers and wildflowers in the “wildflower meadow,” as Grenville calls the back yard, where he threw planted lots of seeds last spring and in flower beds in front of and back of the Frog & PenguINN.
All of the F&P flower gardens are low-maintenance these days since we don’t annually replant as we did when up until a couple of years ago and don’t water unless absolutely necessary as in no rain for a week or so. The wildflowers seem to be doing just fine in spite of our neglect un-attendance.
There images are from the back wildflower garden and “meadow” earlier this week. The blue cornflowers have taken over much of the meadow which last year was predominately coreopsis.Not all cornflowers are blue — there’s also white, pink, lavender
Orange daylilies are the most invasive type of daylily and these grow abundantly along roadsides, in fields and in our front and back yards.
We have some multi-colored daylilies bought from our local day lily grower last year. They have wonderfully come back in bloom, but I don’t recall their “names.”
Day-old daylilies with color boost filter used in Picasa.
Daisies are in the back gardens . . .
There’s a lot of coreopsis and some primrose (?) too . . .
Yellows and orange blooms with touches of red. The multi-color Indian Blanket flower is a favorite of mine.
What’s in YOUR colorful gardens — let us know !
Oh, how I love your garden pictures! It would be hard to choose a favorite but I do love the Indian Blanket flowers.
We are enjoying RAIN today, which we needed badly.
Hope you have a good week ahead.
i love all things Daisy and you have lots of those, and next i love all thigs wildflower. and you have lots of those to. beautiful garden
So beautiful and vibrant!
Lovely display of wild flowers!
My son gave me a packet of wildflower seeds. The sprouts came up nicely - I had carefully watered. Then one morning about half the upstarts were gone. All the next morning. Then we saw a couple of rabbits looking for more ...
Your wildflowers are beautiful! I love your collages here.
Your flowers are beautiful. There's not much blooming here yet. Shasta Daisies should bloom in the next week maybe.
You have so many pretty flowers! Just wonderful.
We are on the road again so I have to get my flower fixes from you and other blogs when I don't see some along the highway. ;)
Wild flowers ... that's the way to go. Hardy!
Wild flowers, unplanted wildflowers blooming around here are dandelions and arnica. Saskatoon blooms are waning. My veggies are barely showing. It has been cold and wet ... well damp ... it never gets too wet around here. In fact, we had a sunny day today and I had to go and sprinkle my carrots so they don't whither and die as they are barely up.
Beautiful flowers and photos ! So much lovely colour. We are getting our colours now it was a late start this year . I am slowly working on a wild flower garden in our back garden the garden that doesnt need much attention some flowers in it we dug up from the fields and planted there but need more ! Have a wonderful day !
Wow - I LOVE this post with all the bright and varied colors! Great job.
Beautiful flower photographs!
We're a bit behind but have started to catch up now, soon we'll pass You and get winter long before Your autumn comes :-) :-) :-)
Have a great day!
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