
Saturday, June 9, 2012

It’s About Time !


It’s been awhile for this topic, BUT happily gas prices have dropped in recent weeks. Around these parts (VA eastern shore) this is the average price  we’re seeing this week.

Some stations are charging a couple cents more, some a bit less — we got a fill-up yesterday for $3.33/gal.

HOW are gas prices in your part of the country or world?

Since a road trip (yup, another one) is coming up in July, we sure hope that this trend continues awhile.


Christine said...

So glad gas is finally coming down. It's $3.23 for us right now.

Anvilcloud said...

About the equivalent of >$4.50 in the Ottawa region.

Kjell T. Evensen said...

We payed $3.16 in Georgia at the last exit before entering Florida this morning.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Thanks for visiting and your nice comment at my blog! Our gas prices here have been hovering around 3.20 and up, depending on the station and the town. Hope they will come down some more by fall when we want to go on vacation!
You have a great blog and I'm signing up as a follower. I hope you're having a nice weekend!

Ludwig said...

Gas today was $3.28 at my corner station. The discounter down the road charges $3.15. Seems to go down a penny or so a day. It will go up midweek next week when I need to refuel.

Anonymous said...

The price strays rather stable here, more than twice Your price.

Have a great day!


Elaine said...

Add a dollar a gallon and you're in the ballpark for prices here.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bob has gone to fill up, will ask when he gets back, i did see one sign that said 3.33 and one for 3.35 yesterday. so we are about the same as yours. i am now in the mileage mode and when we go anywhere i calulate how much it cost to drive there. in my Vue it cost 3.33 for every 20 miles. so when we take the dogs to the vet, i add 3.33 for the gas. we have trimmed our travel time to 75 percent less than what we did when i first retired. we loved to take and hour or 2 long rides, just riding and looking. we don't do that now since it would cost 15 to 20 dollars to just ride. every where we shop or travel to is under 3 miles from home. the new prices have made me ultra aware of driving.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

HELLO!!! It's so nice to meet you!! I've followed the crumbs back to your blog and have LOVED my visit--I always enjoy meeting 'neighbors' too!! I'll look forward to 'following you' and getting to know you a bit better!! I hope you're enjoying your weekend!!

I'm glad gas prices have gone down--We're at $3.49ish in northern VA right now, which helps! By the way, I hope they don't do that seat belt thing here in VA for the dogs, but then, I don't let my dogs hang out the windows! :-))

Out on the prairie said...

3.23 here sounds almost cheap

Claire M. King said...

In WA state, they are hovering between $3.96 and $4.06 per gallon.
Thank you for the visit to my blog. I am not retired, I rsigned from my position to find a new job. Crazy? Yes, but needed.

TexWisGirl said...

we're about the same as you here in texas.

Connie said...

The cheapest we found yesterday here was $3.53. Anytime it goes down is a good thing I think.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Everyone for the rundown onheading south gets the best deals. Certainly won't be heading to visit AC in Canada,Christer in Sweden or Claire in Washington State and add Daisy in Ohio to that list too - yikes no wonder Lois (From Lois' Hands) & Kjell left Ohio and headed to FL and sjip board again.

Welcome Cheryl (Farmer's Daughter) and thanks for your visit AND comments. Do come back anytime as we DO enjoy reading all comments and will be back to visit your blog as well.

Welcome Kim (Golden Pines) welcome too and thanks for the comment. You are so rigtht about VA not having the in car pet laws like NJ does not. Imagine all those back of pickup rides, the dogs here would have to give up!

Hi Claire, sorry to have misunderstodd about your recent post. Sometimes leaving a job is a good thing too. Good luck on the search for another one. Also thanks for the visit and comment, come back anytime!