
Thursday, July 21, 2011

WILD about Wildflowers (and Crazy too)

YES, the Frog & PenguINN has lots of . . .

meadow0716 (8)Wildflowers in the meadow that Grenville planted.

meadow0716 (7)

Now for some close-up collages – all colors !

black-eyed susie collagedianthus collageorange collageindian blanket collagered collageyellow-red collageyellowsgreen collageMore meadow views . . .

IMG_5749IMG_5833meadow0716 (2)


Connie said...

I love wildflowers! Yours are beautiful. I bet they attract a lot of butterflies. Great pictures! :)

grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice...These are just lovely and real colorful..
sort of like Grenville wild and colorful

Christine said...

That's a wonderful wildflower garden Beatrice. I'd love to be there with my camera!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful!!

Have a great day!

Elaine said...

Your wildflower garden turned out beautifully! I love the collages.

Anvilcloud said...

I think that garden is very darn cool. It's a happy garden where things grow as they will.

The Knotty Knitter said...

Some beautiful pics again.

Lois Evensen said...

Just beautiful. The garden is beautiful and you've done such a great presentation with the images.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wildflowers are my favorite flowers, these are wonderful and he planted them? the collages are superb! all of them. are they all macro from the wildflower group? so jealous

Montanagirl said...

Your flowers are just beautiful. What a variety of colors and textures! Nice job on the collages.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi All, nice to know everyone enjoyed these wildflowers. We were glad to share and Grenville gets the credit for doing all the planting. Yes, Grammie G. he is wild and colorful most times!

Daisy, suprisingly there are not as many butterflies even though the mix stated it was for "butterflies and hummingbirds" Maybe they will come later in the season?
Mama-Bug you are welcome to visit with your camera anytime.
Thanks Christer and Elaine - the collages are fun and so easy to do using Picasa.
AC, if things grow where they will in a happy garden, then ours is certainly delirious with joy!
Thanks Rosa and Lois for the kind words!
Sandra, yes Grenville spread the seeds and covered them with the wood chips from the tree cut down in our front yard last fall. For the macros, I used the macro setting on my Canon PowerShot SX10.
Thanks Mona, coming from a fellow photographer that's a wonderful compliment!

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

Oh... I"m late to leave a comment! What stunning photos! I was about to ask how you did the collages, but I see it was via Picasa, I've never tried using that program.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Grace, it's NEVER too late to leave a comment cause we always read them and comment. Picasa is fun and free and works well with LiveWriter which I use to compose my posts (ot Blogger).