
Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Funnies

GOT the time?

grasshopper (2)That might have been the question from this immature grasshopper

grasshopper (11)Who was relocated to a nearby tree.

grasshopper-flag0711 (9)An adult grasshopper checked out a holiday flag . . .grasshopper-flag0711 (2)From ALL sides . . .

grasshopper-flag0711 (3)grasshopper-flag0711 (5)

Then, deciding some greenery was a better camouflage grasshopper0711 (2)


Lois Evensen said...

Such a lucky grasshopper that the human he met wasn't a kid with a jar with holes in the top.

Sherry said...

When I was a kid, I used to catch grasshoppers, tie a thread around one leg and then tie the other end to a stable object. I'd watch them jump around in their confined area for awhile then let them go free!

Country Gal said...

Cool photos !
yup I think we all have caught grasshoppers as kids !

Anvilcloud said...

That guy kinda keeps you hopping, eh?

Anonymous said...

I think that green one is a katydid! We have similar ones here, hard to find but their sound is really loud :-)

Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nice shots, they are visiting now, have seen several blogs with different types but still grasshoppers, must be the season

john bain said...

The hens have decimated my grasshoppers. I am making a special hen proof area for them. Very food of grasshoppers, childhood memories I think.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Lois, Sherry, Elaine (Country Girl),AC, Christer, Sandra and John.
Christer, I don't think that the first green fellow (or gal?) is a katydid. I did an online look-up and a katydid has broader wings that it can use to camouflage itself like a leaf.
If anyone else knows insects and this is not a young grasshopper, do let me know.

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

I think I'm finally caught up reading back blogs! Just subscrbed.... don't know how I missed that I hadn't done that yet!
I've never understood people who are afraid of grasshoppers. I've got fond memories of catching them when I was a kid.

Montanagirl said...

Very nice shots of the Hopper.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Grace and Mona. I was never quick enough to catch grasshoppers as a kid - lightning bugs were much easier targets.