
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Essex Steam Train

Grandpa and grandson share a love of IMG_5935trains, and this week they rode on the Essex Steam Train operated by The Valley Railroad Company.

This is a heritage railroad originally founded in 1868 and based in Connecticut. A heritage railway, preserved railway, tourist railway or tourist railroad is a railway that is run as a tourist attraction, in many cases by volunteers. These operations typically seek to recreate or preserve railway scenes of the past. However, not all tourist railways are heritage railways.

The Essex Steam Train is the only steam train and riverboat connection in the country. It travels through the scenic towns of Deep River and Chester and features two coal-fired locomotives and a collection of restored railroad cars. steam train collage

At the historic 1892 Essex Station, passengers board vintage rail cars pulled by an operating steam locomotive. steam train collage2
The train travels to Deep River Landing, where passengers can take an optional trip aboard the Becky Thatcher riverboat on the Connecticut River.IMG_6031Bobby and Granville enjoyed the hour-long ride through the Connecticut countryside. This weekend they will be going on another train adventure.





Anvilcloud said...

Well, you're not just plain (or plane) folk in those parts. :)

When you do those collages, is the process automated, or do you fiddle with it each timeƉ

Lois Evensen said...

Ooooooh, what a little darling your granddaughter is. :)))

Love the train and boat ride. Those are our kind of entertainment, too.

Christine said...

What a wonderful trip you're having. So glad Grenville is enjoying the trains. The new grand is absolutely precious.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved going on that trip! I´ve never even seen a steam boat in real life so that would have been a great bonus :-)

Your grand daughter is very cute :-)

Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so precious and cute. the baby girl not the train. but i do love trains and this would be something i would love to do

Kjell T. Evensen said...

This is right up my alley. I love the train and the boat ride. The baby is cute, too. :)

Connie said... the little granddaughter. What a sweetie! How wonderful that grandpa and grandson share a love of trains. :)

john bain said...

I am a lover of steam engines. Thank God for those who keep them going.
Baby is beautiful.

Sherry said...

Loved this post! That train ride would be fun to do. Congratulations on the new grandchild!

possum said...

Looks like you all are having a good time.
Have fun! Enjoy the little ones!

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

What a beautiful baby! I woul,d have lovd to take the train ride. I really enjoy your blog, I'll be back!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Ho Folks, glad you enjoyed the train and granddaughter photos, even if some preferred the trains first :-)

AC, the collage process is so easy using Picasa. Just select the photos, use the create collage option and it does the rest - automatically, easily and it's fun and FREE.

Lois & Christer, we've taken the train AND riverboat ide a few years ago, sans grandson. Only the day we took the boat trip was very rainy, unlike this week's sunny weather.

Thanks Christina, Dandra, Daisy...she is very cute and tiny too!

Thanks Kjell, but the riverboat seems dwarfed compared to your ships.

We agree, John. Amen to those who run the trains & boats!

Thanks Sherry & Possum. We are really enjoying our visit and the sidetrips we get to re-enjoy with grandkids, well at least 1 at this point.

Welcome Debbie. Thanks for the comment. Please do visit again and we will do the same!

Diana said...

precious.. oh she is gorgeous.. and her brother is cute too.. love,Diana

Elaine said...

What a sweetheart little Elizabeth is. There's something so very special about a newborn. It's amazing how quickly they outgrow that stage.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

First off I pray you all have a safe trip to meet with family and the newest memeber. She is precious and so pretty. I hope you all have a wonderful time.

Now that boat trip would be something I would love to do.

Hope you stay cool.

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

Awww..... so cute!
One of these days I'm going to have some grands.... sigh!!!