
Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is This #12

Time has gone by so fast with outdoor projects and other things IMG_3121going on here. It was late May when I posted the last What is This?  . . .

So, here it is – a new one – finally.
Haven’t you been waiting all this time ? If not, just pretend you have been waiting and humor me (like Grenville often does).

Hint: there are several of these at the Frog & PenguINN . But, to tell  more might make this too easy.

As always, NO prizes, just braggin’ rights cause it’s just for fun!

The answer in tomorrow's post – C’mon and give it a guess cause you may be RIGHT !


Country Gal said...

Could it be a part of a tree with the bark striped down ?

Elaine said...

Yes, I've been waiting impatiently all this time! Only thing I can think of is bark off of a sapling, or perhaps dried leaves from some kind of plant. I don't think I'll have any bragging rights this time.....

Wait, the word verification is ilegal--perhaps that's a clue! To what I have no idea.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Is it cinnamon bark?

Anonymous said...

I said to myself the other day, when are she going to post a what is this again :-)

I think it´s bark striped from something, perhaps a pole of some kind?

Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

someone dropped a cherry bomb in an old dead stick??? LOL

Eggs In My Pocket said...

With the drought here in Texas, it looks like our trees and farm grounds. But I could be wrong!

DeniseinVA said...

A dead tree? Not too good at this kind of thing but that picture is intriguing.

Thanks for stopping by and wishing me a Happy Birthday :)

Montanagirl said...

I say it's bark from a tree.

Anvilcloud said...

Aside from it being bark with no visible core, you've got me. But I guess we're on a similar theme today.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi ALL and thanks for playing along on this one - most of you - Elaine, Elaine, Christer, Mona and AC are RIGHT, This is bark shedding from a tree with full details in the next post.

Hey Elaine & Christer were you REALLY waiting for another what is this post?

Hi Denise, you're welcome for the birthday wishes.

Kathleen, sorry to learn the drought continues in Texas. Our problem here has been too much rain in recent weeks.

Hey AC maybe there is something to great minds thinking alike...or is that strange minds?

Anonymous said...

Yes I was :-)

Ginnie said...

You mentioned that you had several and that should make it easier ... but no luck! Part of a tree bark chair ???????????

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Christer, glad to know you look forward to these fun posts (at least it's fun for me).

Actually, Ginnie, we have at least 6 as you will see in the "answer" post.