
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Birthday Finale

What a day. Dinner at the Inn & Garden was great. I am a sucker for Rack of Lamb. And sure enough they had it.


While we were there we met a family from NJ who were traveling to the Outer Banks. They had decided that the ten hour drive should be broken up, and since this was their first trip there they would treat themselves to someplace special instead of just a motel. IMG_0958Did we mention the the Inn & Garden is also a B&B??? Desert  was accompanied by a serenade by the chef and waitress. The evening culminated with a movie at home, ‘Drowning Mona’ with Danny DeVito, Bette Middler, and Jamie Lee Curtis. We wondered why we had never heard of this movie or seen it advertised. Within 15 minutes we knew why. My advice; watch an old musical or a sci-fi flick.

Again, THANK YOU ALL for your birthday wishes. For those of you still awaiting the big SS Date i can say it was painless.



Lois Evensen said...

What a lovely dinner and dessert. Thanks for taking us along on Grenville's birthday. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Birthday to YOU... Mine is coming up in August!!!! I'll be 69---so the pain is growing!!!! ha ha

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday.

Anvilcloud said...

It looketh goodeth.

A trick for remembering dessert vs desert: you want two helpings of dessert, so it takes two esses. My wife isn't the world's greatest speller, so that's one of the memory hooks that she taught me and is the only reason I remember. (PS: not trying to be a condescending smart alec.)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Happy Birthday...To you.. La la la ...clear throat.... Happy Birth.... Cough Cough, clear throat... La lal.... OH poo... I cant sing so I will just have to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY loudly.
Looks like you had an awesome one minus that movie, I am with you on the review. Love the meal you had, I think I would have started with dessert first... looks awesome.

Have a blessed weekend and GOD keep you safe.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

two out of three is not bad, food and ice cream and cake, phooey on the movie. great idea the way they served the cake and ice cream, i am adding it to my memory bank. welcome to the world of SS I entered it 5 years ago. your next celebration will be reaching Medicare Eligible. when that happened to me, i celebrated that i made it to 65, now i am about to celebrate 67 in a few weeks. and the time if flying.

Connie said...

Sounds like a perfect celebration! :)