
Thursday, September 2, 2010

These Little Piggies

This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed at home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went... 
"Wee wee wee" all the way home...
These little piggies were hanging out at the Great Pocomoke Fair last weekend. All were real hams when it came to photo ops.
Some really hogged the camera.
DSCN1708  There were some real “Babes” in this group.DSCN1721

  200px-Porky_pig Th-th-th-that's all folks
Never wrestle with a pig: You both get all dirty, and the pig likes it.


The cottage by the Cranelake said...

They are just adorable :-) Great photos!

I hope that the storm miss You!

possum said...

Poor little babies...
How long till one of them is on your breakfast plate or out in the smoker?
Look at those little eyes... sigh.

Chris in the Emerald City said...

Ohhhh, so so cute! I can hear the three little mice from the movie, Babe, singing Blue Moon....

HermitJim said...

Look at all those pork chops!

They really are cute, aren't they? Pretty clean, too!

Elaine said...

Wonderful photo story! You got some great picturs of those little porkers!

Montanagirl said...

Actually quite a unique looking critter when one stops and thinks about it. Nice photos!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hello everyone, thanks for the comments. They were quite an amusing bunch in the back of a pickup truck at the fair.

Christer, it looks like we may just get a rain event from this storm, but we worked in the yard putting things away and cutting the lawn today - another very warm day.

Possum, funny you should mention that because we had a couple of sausage patties with dinner tonight.

HermitJim, I was thinking more along the lines of a pork roast or better yet ribs for the BBQ - have to wait until they grow up more.

Thanks, Elaine, but these little porkers told their own story.

Yes, Mona, these piggies were perfect photo subjects.

Chris, I have to confess I have never seen Babe. And, these piggys didn't know the words to any songs.

Diana said...


Anonymous said...

You really got them Hammin' it up didn't ya!!!!!
Wonder if any of them will be at the "PigNic" tomorrow???? Guest of Honor maybe?????

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Diana, sure you can paint them because you said the "magic words - pretty please! Let me know if you need the file of any specific piggie portrait. Of course, we would love to see the finished result too!

Unknown said...

thank you, thank you,Beatrice, I will show you the results.. hope to start one this week.. today I'm resting from the Pignic.. lots of one big piggie there.. thank you again, Love,Diana

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hey Diana, you are very welcome. These could be perfect subjects for next year's Pignic for those who want to remember their meal. It will be great to see the results too, so have a good time! And, if you ever see any other images you would like to paint, just let me know.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad i clicked on animals label. love love all the animals you have here, escpecially these sweet piggies