
Monday, July 8, 2024

The 4th in Nashua

Our holiday was spent at home in Nashua, NH, but we didn't stay home in the sense of being indoors for the entire long weekend. We attended several events all within walking distance of the mill apartments, no need to be on the roadways in traffic or spending $. Read on to learn how we did that.

As in many other parts of the country, while it wasn't nearly as 🥵, it was a very warm weekend. Temps were in the low 90s with some rainstorms followed by higher humidity. We're in for more of the same this week along with rain forecast on at least 4 days.
July 4 celebration at City Hall, nashua, NH
Our July 4 Independence Day holiday observance was celebrated downtown on Main St in front of City Hall. The inaugural event  included a high school junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) color guard, members of Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. (VFW) the Mayor of Nashua and members of the public. The event included a reading of the Declaration of Independence, a mayoral speech and the singing of several well-known songs. The half hour observance concluded with the raising of the Betsy Ross Flag, an early design of the U.S. flag in which 13 stripes and 13 stars signify the original colonies. 
July 4 fireworks viewed from our apartment
Friday night we watched several fireworks displays from our living room windows, which offered a great view. We were watching the PBS broadcast from Washington, DC, but found these local displays were more of a draw. We missed that televised display, but watched some of the earlier performances. (Taking fireworks displays is not my forte. A shout-out to fellow blogger John (AC) who always has great fireworks images. You can check out his early July posts of July 1 Canada Day fireworks on his blog, The AC is On.)

Saturday evening we attended a performance by the Soldiers’ Chorus at the downtown Nashua Arts Center. This 26-member mixed choral ensemble is the vocal complement of the United States Army Field Band of Washington, D.C. performing as a separate component and in joint concerts with the Concert Band of the “Musical Ambassadors of the Army.” 

The concert theme was America the Beautiful and vocalists performed songs related to that theme and patriotic tunes, God Bless America and The Star-Spangled Banner plus popular songs including Moonlight in Vermont, Chattanooga Choo Choo, This Land is Your Land. The nearly 90-minute performance included a multimedia presentation. This Free event was a sell-out in terms of attendance in the 750-seat arts center, unlike at many concerts, the audience was encouraged to take photos.
The Soldiers' Chorus at the Nashua Center for the Arts
The Soldiers' Chorus had its origins in the early days of the Concert Band, when members would gather in front of the band during shows and sing. In 1957, the unit began to audition vocalists specifically for the Chorus. The unit's first full-time female soldier-musicians joined the ranks of the Soldiers' Chorus in 1974.

Sunday, we ended our stay-at-home holiday weekend with a film showing at the Nashua Public Library, which presents Cinema Classics weekly. Perfect for a holiday weekend, this week it was 1955 American musical Oklahoma! based on the 1943 musical of the same name by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. Actors included Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones (in her film debut), Rod Steiger, James Whitmore and Eddie Albert. The film wasn't shot in the title state as producers thought that oil wells would be a distraction for exterior scenes, so location shooting actually was done in AZ and on sound stages (dream ballet sequences). 
Movie poster for 1955 film, Oklahoma! (Internet source)
The film's setting is the Oklahoma Territory shortly after the turn of the 20th century. It's a love story of farm girl Laurey Williams and her courtship by rival suitors, cowboy Curly McLain and sinister farmhand Jud Fry. A secondary romance involves Laurey's friend, Ado Annie and cowboy Will Parker. A background theme is the territory's aspiration for statehood and the local conflict between cattlemen and farmers. Oklahoma!  won Academy Awards in musical scoring and sound recording. It's truly a classic, the likes of which are not made these days. In 2007, the Library of Congress selected it for preservation in the United States National Film Registry for its historical, cultural and aesthetic contributions. 

This wasn't our first viewing, afterwards we found ourselves humming to many of its tunes (there's 15) including, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin, The Surrey with the Fringe on Top, Kansas City, People Will Say We're in Love, All er Nothin' and, of course, the title song Oklahoma. (You will thank me for not including a link to any of these, ear worms can be very annoyingly persistent.)

Your Turn — Did you celebrate July 4 in any special way(s) this year?


Tom said...

...your fireworks images are fabulous!

Marie Smith said...

You celebrated the weekend well! Busy but wonderful, I’d say!

I love the music of Oklahoma! I’ll be hearing that title song all day!

Doris said...

Good morning, my friends! You had a wonderful 4th celebration. The view of the fireworks from your apartment is wonderful! It's been a long time since I've seen Oklahoma. Some of the songs you mentioned had the tunes immediately going on in my head, some will need a refresher =)

MadSnapper said...

your fireworks view was spectacular.. we did nothing, the same thing we always do.. had planned to watch the movie The Patriot, but turned out it was on a pay channel we don't get. even when you don't travel, you manage to travel around your town having a blast. we are homebody's you are travelers.. glad you had such a great day

baili said...

dear Dorothy wow you really had some great time during national holiday :)

everything you participated sounds wonderful and how amazing to join army concert .i had no clue of such thing actually
the firework looks mesmerizing from your shots !!!!

the movie you mentioned at the end seems familiar but can't be sure i have seen same movie long ago or was some other
i am glad you were able to celebrate in such fulfilling way :)
heartfelt best wishes for you both and family!

gigi-hawaii said...

You have been busy. I saw "Oklahoma" performed on stage at the Diamond Head Theatre and enjoyed it immensely. But, I also loved the movie.

Anvilcloud said...

You had a good day, including a good view of the fireworks. There are activities here for Canada Day, but we just venture to the fireworks now. We can see them from our place, but it's nice to get townhall and the bridge lights in the composition.

kathyinozarks said...

That is wonderful to be able to get out and about and see the the festivities and Oklahoma too. Your fireworks photos are excellent
we didn't get the rain the weather people said we would so it was crazy busy here and 4 nights of loud fireworks til midnight-that got old after awhile haha.

Grenville T. said...

Well Holy Moly..... What a wonderful Stay-Cation at that World Famous F$P North🤩. Ya'll must be plum tuckered out, so get some rest and Bless Ya'll's lil hearts 🥰
Grenville T.

Rita said...

You guys really did take in the day's celebrations!!
Oklahoma is such a classic movie! Had to be fun to see it again. :)

Jeanie said...

I think you maxed out your stay=at-home holiday weekend and it all looks like fun! Love "Oklahoma." We didn't do much special on the fourth -- cooking out, though. Our fireworks were on Saturday, which was loads of fun.

DUTA said...

The Sodiers' Chorus is a festivity I would have greatly enjoyed!
It looked , and probably sounded great!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

How wonderful that you have so many nice events close to home for the holiday weekend! Sounds like they were all very interesting and entertaining! I've already written about our weekend celebrations in the last couple of posts. We've done a lot of old movie watching over the past two weeks while we have been battling covid. Thankfully we are better now, but still kinds of just tired, so not doing much, especially in this heat. We may have to watch Oklahoma again. That sounds like a good one to see again. We did watch another musical, Fiddler on the Roof, which was very moving. Thank you for sharing your photos of the night skies and fireworks. It seems like they were all good this year! I posted some photos the other day. Have a lovely rest of your week, and try to keep cool.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, your own city's fireworks looks just as good as the ones on T.V. Looks like you had a great Fourth! You got really good photos of everything, too.

Sandra said...

I agree, your fireworks photos are really good. You had a busy holiday. We just had another day in the life. Neighbors set off fireworks.

Bijoux said...

What? Your photos of the fireworks are fabulous! I don’t think I ever saw Oklahoma, but I did play songs from it on the piano. I had a Roger’s and Hammerstein book.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

You seem to have had a good time "staying local". "Oklahoma" was one of the first films I ever saw in the cinema, being taken along with my mother and her friend. As we had no TV in those days the moving pictures must have been a big deal.

Don Hamilton said...

Happy Independence Day.
Sounds like a very good way to spend the holiday.
We loved living in Nashua a few years ago. Loved walking and biking at Mine Falls Park.
This year we went to our community clubhouse for a potluck. It was good. Our dj only played classic rock type music, so that was a bit of a bummer.
All in all, a good day.

Ludwig said...

You had a most enjoyable day. Thank you for sharing it with us. We stayed in and watched the disappointing NY fireworks.

photowannabe said...

What a great weekend of celebrations. Fantastic photos of your fireworks.
We have been a bit under the weather due to emotional and heat related things. Spent it hunkered down by the AC and tried to watch some of the celebrations on TV. I can't say it was one of the more stellar times for 4th of July. Gonna do it up right next year.
Love the old musicals and Oklahoma is one of my favorites. Still have a few ear worms just reading the titles of the songs in said movie.. Happy music I really don't mind.

Lois Evensen said...

Your weekend looks fabulous! I'll bet the concert was extra special. :)

Emma Springfield said...

I spent a quiet evening trying to comfort the poor dog from the sounds of the fireworks. Oklahoma is a great play and movie. I always felt sorry for Ado Annie who sang Can't Say No.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Fantastic view from your window!
Happy belated 4th of July!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I really like the view from your window.

I didn't attend any special events on July 4th. Stayed home, and watched a 2 part PBS documentary about Benjamin Franklin. 😊

DeniseinVA said...

I remember the movie very well. Great to your post of everything 4th of July.

Michelle said...

Kudos to you for staying local. So many wonderful things to see/do in our hometowns.

photowannabe said...

Thank you so much for your Very Kind Words on my blog. It is so appreciated.
I won't be giving up blogging. I enjoy it too much. It is my window on the world and the wonderful people in it.
So stay tuned to a future blog post.

David said...

Hi Beatrice, We just got back from family visits in St. Louis MO and Omaha NE and now I'm trying to catch up. Our July 4th was spent at our son's home in crowds for us. However we did have a cookout and fireworks vigil on the deck with grandsons (21 and 23) in attendance. Also one of their girlfriends was there. The deck overlooks a large field surrounded by homes and the fireworks were constant from about 8:30 PM until 10:15 PM. A good time was had by all. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Veronica Lee said...

It sounds like Nashua had a lively Fourth of July weekend, Dorothy!
From the patriotic observance at City Hall to enjoying fireworks from your apartment and attending the Soldiers' Chorus performance, your local celebrations sounded vibrant and festive.

Rob Lenihan said...

Such beautiful photos of the fireworks. Talk about rockets' red glare.

And the concert looks like a great to celebrate the Fourth.

I've seen bits and pieces of Oklahoma on TV, but I saw a fabulous production on Broadway with Andrea Martin as Aunt Eller several years ago. It was fantastic.