
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Odd Things on the 4th

Today, July 4, is Independence Day, a U.S. federal holiday
 celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Ironically, though the holiday is referred to as "The Fourth of July” this date has NO historic significance. 

WHY? because Congress approved a declaration of independence on July 2, 1776. Founding Father, and later second President, John Adams had anticipated this would be the most important date in U.S. history

After the official Declaration was approved, the first printed copies were displayed on broadsheets (newspapers printed on large sheets of paper) put up in cities throughout the nation that read: “In Congress, July 4, 1776” and that date stuck.

However, Adams didn't recognize July 4 as Independence Day. His belief was that it should be celebrated on July 2, when the resolution for independence was passed by the Continental Congress.

Thomas Jefferson & John Adams
Years later, another twist of fate became connected with July 4. when it became the same date that three U.S. Presidents, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe died on — two in the same year. 

Not only did Jefferson (83) and Adams (90) die in 1825 on July 4, but this date also marked the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Now, that was really a very odd coincidence.

At their deaths, they were described as "frenemies" — friends early on, then in 1800, differing views led them to not speak to one other for over a decade. In 1812, the two started writing and eventually sent over 185 letters to each other. At best, the renewed friendship remained tense.

While both men had been ill. Adams was thought to be in better health until a few months before. Whereas, Jefferson had been ill for several months. He's also said to have refused a dose of laudanum (a painkiller of opium and high-proof alcohol) the night before he died. Jefferson died shortly after noon in Monticello, VA. Several hours later Adams died in Quincy, MA. The nation’s second and third presidents were friends; however news did not travel fast back then, so they were unaware of each other’s passing.

Over the years, whether the deaths of Jefferson and Adams was coincidence or divine intervention has been the subject of scholarly debate. Scholars have tried to pinpoint the odds of a statistically unlikely event happening. Jefferson and Adams didn’t only die on the same day, with an already low probability of 1 in 365. but on the same significant date and historic anniversary. 

Among the explanations is one that proposes that proposed both men purposely hung on for the 50th anniversary, which isn't such an unusual phenomenon. It's been documented that people have been kept themselves alive until they’ve said final goodbyes to loved ones or experienced a significant event. So, it's not impossible that Adams and Jefferson’s "will to live" kept them alive before July 4th, then gave out afterwards.

James Monroe & Calvin Coolidge
Five years after Jefferson and Adams died, the fifth U.S. President James Monroe died at age 73 on July 4, 1831 from tuberculosis. 

Although three U.S. Presidents died on July 4, only one was born on this date. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President was born on July 4, 1872 in VT.

Other presidents born in the month of July, besides Coolidge, included John Quincy Adams, Gerald R. Ford and George W. Bush. (Adams, the eldest son of former President John Adams, served as the sixth U.S. President, 1825 to 1829.)

Nashua, NH,  fireworks
We're staying home on the holiday and will be walking downtown to City Hall for a veterans flag-raising event. In years past, we joined other mill apartment residents in gathering at the pocket park along the Nashua River to watch a fireworks display from Holman Stadium, the local ball field. That won't happen this year because of ongoing construction at the park.

We won't miss a fireworks display and instead we'll watch the Washington, DC, display on PBS.

On Saturday, we'll attend a performance, "America the Beautiful," by the Soldiers Chorus of the United States Army Field Band at the Nashua Center for the Arts in downtown Nashua, NH. Since being formed in March 1946, this military touring musical organization has performed over 400 concerts annually, including performances in all 50 states and in over 30 countries on 4 continents. 
Soldiers Chorus of the United States Army Field Band (Internet source)
In previous years, we've attended similar performances by other military bands, including The President's Own United States Marine Band, United States Navy Band and the United States Air Force Band. In addition to these concerts being performed by skilled musicians and vocalists, they are always NO Charge to the public. This is a must-see event that's highly recommended if you ever have the opportunity to attend one of these performances. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

We will be watching on T.V. as well. Wow, you know so much about it!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Happy Fourth of July.

Tom said...

...have a Happy 4th.

Marie Smith said...

Happy 4th, you two.

kathyinozarks said...

Enjoyed your post knew most of this but many don't I can go along with the theory that willed themselves to live til the 4th.
Raining here this morning, saw a lot of fireworks going off last night around me on the lake will be more tonight.
I always watch the PBS 4th of July show too.
Happy 4th

MadSnapper said...

thanks for the info about DC fireworks on PBS, I will record it tonight. Happy 4th of July or Belated Happy 2nd of July. ha ha. its a bit like Dec 25 being Christ birthday, no one knows the date of his birth. some even think it is the birthday of Santa. Holiday are all man made, its what people do.

Jeanie said...

I just can't celebrate this year. It's too wretched these days and I'm too afraid. Although, it might be worse next year and maybe I should take advantage of it. That said, I'll enjoy my annual brats and on Saturday the fireworks. I hope yours is happy.

Kathy G said...

I did not know about the date discrepancy. Thank you. Many of the local fireworks celebrations have been cancelled because of rain, so it will be televised ones for us.

Emma Springfield said...

Whatever is the correct date Happy Birthday to USA. I wish you many more.

DUTA said...

Musical army bands are the most proper celebration of the big Day!

photowannabe said...

Happy 4th to you too. Interesting facts.
I love the big band sound and will be watching on TV too.
Temps are going to be 110F today. Sure not going outside!!

Jon said...

Thanks for sharing this information - - and have a glorious Independence Day!

Sandra said...

This is interesting, I did not know. Thanks!

Anvilcloud said...

May the 4th be ever with you.

Bijoux said...

When we were at Monticello, they talked a lot about the July 4th death dates. Sort of eerie. Happy Independence Day!

Rita said...

Just curious if you ever watched John Adams with Paul Giamatti? I really enjoyed it.
Happy 4th to you both.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy 4th of July! Such interesting facts and events that happened on this date! Never knew all of that before! Thank you for sharing this with us!

My name is Erika. said...

I hope you had a great 4th. The day turned out nicer than I expected it would. And also, I think it was John ADams you meant, not John Quincy Adams who died on July 4th. If you haven't visited but ever get the chance their Adams homestead in Quincy is a great place to visit. hugs-Erika

gigi-hawaii said...

Interesting facts about July 4. Especially who died and was born then. Didn't watch the fireworks here but heard it.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Interesting information, Beatrice.

I spent July 4th watching a two part documentary on Benjamin Franklin.

My name is Erika. said...

It just dawned on me that a really good series is the John Adams series that stars Paul Giamatti. Have you seen it? That's how I recognized that it was John Adams and THomas Jefferson that died on the same day. If you haven't seen it, see if you can get a hold of it. It's an oldie, I think from 2008.

Sandy said...

I was think the two had not spoken in awhile and made up just before their passing? I'll have to look it up, been a long time ago I read that. We stayed home as well, and had a quiet day, hubby, my darling daughter and I. We didn't walk to the fireworks this year. Frankly, after the Supreme Court's ruling that trump is above the law, I didn't feel much like celebrating. Love history, so thank you for your post.
Sandy's Space

MARY G said...

A fascinating bit of history and I love it. Canada's celebration is July 1st, as that was the day that a British North America Act made us the 'Dominion of Canada'. And we called it Dominion Day for many years. Our constitution was actually repatriated by Queen Elizabeth in the 1980's, maybe 1082 but I am not sure, and so we now celebrate Canada Day on the glorious 1st.

DeniseinVA said...

Great post! I remember seeing the Marine Corps Band perform, our seats being the steps of the Jefferson Memorial. Incredible memory! Nothing like a live military band!

nick said...

Very interesting that despite all the fuss over Joe Biden's age, Thomas Jefferson died at 83 and John Adams at 90. Joe is a mere spring chicken!