
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wait & See . . .

Seems to have been the prevailing consensus among the fellow bloggers who received the email from the Google Album Archive Team that was cited in my previous post.

From comments received as this post, that opinion was evenly split among bloggers who received the email and those who didn't get it. 

A couple of bloggers said they were unaffected due to being on another platform or not using photos. Another commented about having downloaded blog photos into a zip file and that it worked.

One blogger commented that she had gone back to early blog posts and found there were now broken links in place of photos. 

It's also happened to me on blogs from years back. While, I could possibly go back and remedy this situation by adding back photos saved on external drives (many, but not all, have been saved) that task would be very time consuming. In truth, I'm not sure it would really matter. So, it's not something to be done. Going backwards is never as productive as moving forward. There are so many other things to do with that time.

And so, as noted in that earlier post, my position is also a wait & see one. Perhaps, this move will prove to have been unwise if ALL photos have broken links. While that would be unfortunate, it would, by no means, be a tragedy because there are far more important things in life as we all know. This blog is nothing more than a spot to share road trip adventures, family photos, fun things seen. It is not anything timeless.

Also, many thanks to those who left a comment and said they hoped I would not shut down the blog. Your support is very much appreciated. 

As fellow blogger Sue said: I would dearly hate to loose this format and all the friends I have made over the years. The same is true for myself and surely for many of you as well. The blog community consists of many friendships over many years.

Thanks, as always, for sharing what action you will or will not take. As for those bloggers who said they had not received a Google email, perhaps yours went into a trash folder as so many of my legit emails do. It's worth a check. The email was From: Album Archive and the subject: An Update to Album Archive.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am still waiting to see if I get the email, I check all spam before deleteing and have not seen this one. I did get one last week about a broken link, it was only one. I have found while browsing a few missing photos that are probably from the last move from picasa to photos. I have enough to fret over with out fretting over the blog that no one cares about but me. my family never looks at it and when I am gone it will just sit there in never never land. I think I will look back and see if the bloggers who have died still have it up to look at. that is if i can remember the names

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just browsed through an old blog that has not been used since 2013 and it looks ok with the photos. I forgot I deleted the addresses from my readers list of the three who died. there are a few but none back further than 10 years.

Boud said...

I didn't receive it, but really I don't care. My blog is written as an ongoing artwork. If pictures vanish after they've been seen and read, well, this isn't deathless literature, so I don't think it's wise to over value our words and pictures. They're ephemeral.

DUTA said...

I've had all sorts of problems in the past, but due to my fault or the PC, not Blogger. I'm surprised you don't have Blogger email moderation. It helps in more than one way.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

To the best of my knowledge Blogger has been clicking along remarkably well of late, so I will keep my fingers firmly crossed that it continues thus.

Anvilcloud said...

I still don’t know what is going on, but Apple is doing something similar, and I am not sure what is going on there either. 😀

NewRobin13 said...

I haven't received the email and I checked my spam folder as well. I am wondering if it's because I don't know where or if I even have a photo album archive created on the blog. Mmmm?

Rita said...

When I was about 18 I had a boyfriend get ahold of my suitcase full of diaries, poems, and stories. I had a boyfriend before him and he was so jealous he made a bonfire out of them all in his parent's driveway. Felt like he had burned up a piece of my soul.

I continued to write (couldn't help myself) but afterwards I destroyed everything I wrote--didn't keep anything--for decades after that. The silver lining was that I wasn't attached to my words anymore.

But losing my blog is different. It is like a diary--with pictures--that I actually share with other people. People I have become very attached to. It would hurt like Paul burning that suitcase filled with spiral notebooks...but I know I would survive. I survived before. Luckily some of my blog family have become pen pals already so I won't lose everyone. ;)

Sandra said...

I didn't get the email. I'll need to look at older posts.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

I went back into 2021, no missing photos, so far.

I believe it makes sense that changes like Google's photo archive can be implemented in blocks of users, as in not everyone will experience the same, at the same time. Wait and see is good.
However it is structured, I don't anticipate problems.

William Kendall said...

Time will tell.

photowannabe said...

Yes, I guess I will have the wait and see attitude too. I have printed all my blog posts up to last year, so at least I have them in books. Its quite expensive so I have been dragging my feet on updating..So I had better get on the ball and do that. If things come crashing down at least I have memories in my hot little hands.

Emma Springfield said...

It is disturbing. I hope for a good outcome.

My name is Erika. said...

For some reason there is nothing in my archive folder, so I guess I just don't work using that. I'm not even sure exactly what it is, although I looked last night to find out. Without any luck, but then I was tired so that usually happens. Hope you're ready for some heat. hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

I never got that email. I'll have to go splunking around. (But I also agree with Sue -- don't quit!)

Bijoux said...

Yikes! I don't know anything about this and I don't think I've received that email. I've been absent, so I will have to check spam folders, etc. to see if it's hiding somewhere.