
Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday Funnies

Sometimes, you can find the a very unexpected image when walking outdoors. Like this one was spotted on a street in downtown Nashua, NH.

I've titled it Ringer as it reminded me of a game (not horseshoes).  As always, please feel free to add your own title in the comments below.
It's a ringer
This scene reminded me of a game called quoits, which some may or not be familiar with today. It involved throwing rings over a set distance, usually to land over or near a spike (also called a hob, mott or pin). A ring encircling the hob scores two points for the thrower; a ring closer to the hob than an opponent’s scores one. Rings can be made of metal, rope or rubber.

The game is thought to have played in Roman-occupied Britain (1st to 5th century), or may have been developed in medieval Britain when peasants heated and bent horseshoes into rings and tossed them at iron pegs driven into the ground. Later, horseshoe pitching became the more popular game in the United States and Canada.

Although I can remember playing this game in childhood, Grenville said he was not familiar with it and only played horseshoes. How about you—did you ever play a game of quoits?

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
A rainy weekend is forecast in Nashua, NH


acorn hollow said...

I think bikes kept running into it maybe.

William Kendall said...

Possibly done by teenagers.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Looks like a "ringer" to me! But I've never heard of the game called "quoits". However, there have always been ring toss kind of games around at Carnivals and even baby toys. My family was more into horseshoes, which my father was often the "champ" at our family gatherings. That was a fun picture. Happy Friday!! Enjoy your rainy weekend. It will be rainy here as well. But we need it and are thankful for it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we only played horseshoes and I used to be pretty good at it, that was back when i was 13 to 15 in KY... have not heard of your game. i have been doing the rain chant dancing all morning, we have a 50 percent chance of rain, trying to assist that rain

Anvilcloud said...

I played horseshoes, but I am trying to recall if I once was exposed to ringer. I am not sure.

Rita said...

We played horseshoes. Have never heard of quoits or ringer but they sound similar.

gigi-hawaii said...

This game didn't have a formal name, but as kids growing up in Hawaii, we played something like this.

photowannabe said...

I guess I am with most of the comments. Played horseshoes but haven't heard of the quoits game before.
Every church picnic had challenging games of horseshoes to be played.
Haven't thought of this in a long time.
Temps. in our area are going to zoom into the high 90F ++
Not a cloud in the sky.

Jenny said...

It looks like ring toss to me. I played a homemade version of ring toss as a child. I bought a little plastic ring toss game as a young mother & still play it with my grandchild.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

I think Jenny is right.
I remember playing ring toss in grade school with wooden. Rings were rope, I think with a wood bead closure.
The granite with tire image can have a few funny captions.

Red said...

Heard of quoits but never saw it or played.

nick said...

I played quoits a lot when I was a kid. It was a popular game in England. Quoits in turn reminds me of hula hoops, which were also popular among us kids. Were hula hoops an American fad as well?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I played quoits when I was a kid; I played the violin, played the fool, played around, played with the neighbour's dog........

Lee said...

Boy, oh, boy! I've not heard of quoits, or thought about quoits for a long, long, long time. I wonder if kids today do still play quoits, or have even heard of them!

Take care. :)

Emma Springfield said...

I've played quoits and I've played horseshoes. When I saw the picture all I could think of is 'I'm tired'.

DUTA said...

It looks rather funny, but I must admit I have no idea what it is. I looked up 'a ringer'; it says impostor, or fraudulent (in sports).

My name is Erika. said...

I don't know this game, but isn't that also similar to how you score in horseshoes? Hope you've had a dry Saturday. What a washout. hugs-Erika

diane b said...

Sure did play quoits. This looks like a giant one.

Lowcarb team member said...

We used to play quoits :)

All the best Jan

Bijoux said...

I feel as though we played a similar game, but it was not called quoits. I've only recently learned, from another blogger, that cornhole is called bags in other parts of the U.S.

L. D. said...

I guess that the tire was a good buffer for oncoming objects. It is a perfect shape that I wouldn't want to walk into while looking at my phone.