
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Early Friday Funnies

Whoops, this is not an early April Fools' Day posting, but a case of not checking the Published On date, so Friday Funnies is on Thursday as several bloggers had already commented, by the time I noticed my gaffe (FYI, no ducks were harmed by early posting.)

Depending on where you live, this week marked the summer solstice and the first official day of summer 🥵for the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southern Hemisphere, it's the first day of winter ❄️. Thankfully, here in Nashua, NH, the week has been overcast and cool. Rain is forecast for part of the weekend and into next week.

After posting earlier this week about potential Google album archive issues, here's some levity. 

Sometimes, you have to get your ducks in a row.
Last year, there was a marked scarcity of Mallard Ducks on the river. This year, there's been upwards of a dozen or more along the Nashua River, but no duckling families. As you can see above there's many males and one female, so she has obvious choices. Hmmm, maybe the lone Canada Goose is her date?

Correction - there is NO goose in the above photo because as the saying goes: If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. But, the top one isn't a Mallard Duck like the others. It may be a cross between a Mallard and Black Duck.

Thanks to David G. for noticing my goof. Corrections are always appreciated and duly noted.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Nashua Pride Parade is on Main Street, weather permitting


Anvilcloud said...

The odd pair is very cute.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am surprised there are no families around. That’s what the females should be preoccupied with at this time of year.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think that goose might be the Ugly Duckling, one of my favorite fairy tales. you captured The Moment. Love it.

Sandra said...

I'm so obtuse I didn't even notice there is a goose in the photo!

Lois Evensen said...

They seem to have found a comfy spot to relax. Perhaps they're waiting for more friends to arrive.... ;)

Linda P said...

It's good to see the Mallard ducks and Canada Goose. I can can can imagine them swimming along quite happily on the river.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I was going to say the goose was "the Ugly Duckling", but then saw someone else already said that. I have seen ducks swimming with the geese here before. I guess there's safety in numbers. Our Canada Geese were always very curious about our Sand Hill Crane family and constantly came to pay them homage when the babies were born. They are a good lesson in how to get along with those who are different. Sometimes they get a little too close and might get run off by the parent cranes, but mostly they tolerate each other. I enjoyed your post as always. Doesn't matter what day it's all good. Now tomorrow you can take the day off!

Michelle said...

Nice that they are relaxing all together.

photowannabe said...

Love the "odd duck out"...Great photos and Summer rain.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have looked several times and am still cannot see the goose people are referring to. I see nothing but Mallards - six males and a female. Will someone please show me the goose?

My name is Erika. said...

Well sometimes those ducks never get in a row, do they? Happy Friday. hugs-Erika

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

David, you are 100% correct as there is NO goose in this photo!

The mistake was entirely my own as there had been a couple of geese before a crop. Thanks, as always, for being so observant in catching my goof. 👍Dorothy

gigi-hawaii said...

Well, I have never seen a mallard in person, so I'll go with what you say.

Jeanie said...

Happy Solstice!

Emma Springfield said...

This is the best Friday Funny ever. And I know you didn't mean it to be.

William Kendall said...

That is a good row of ducks.

Liz Hinds said...

She does have her pick of suitors!

David said...

Beatrice, At least 3 or 4 times a week, we have to check the calendar or my wife's smart phone to figure out what day it is. The genetically modified/mixed up duck at the top of the photo does resemble a Canadian Goose but I don't ever recall geese and ducks actually hanging out together in such close proximity. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Veronica Lee said...

A lovely photo of them all relaxing together.

Hugs and blessings, Dorothy

nick said...

Apparently there are numerous theories as to how the phrase "getting your ducks in a row" originated. Since real ducklings walk in a neat line behind their parent, that could be where it comes from. Or it might refer to the mechanical ducks you can shoot at a funfair. But it's become a very over-used phrase nowadays.

Rob Lenihan said...

Love them duckies! I don't know the various breeds, but thanks for posting this great photo!

Bijoux said...

I don't know much about ducks, but it's interesting how some of them lined right up.

L. D. said...

I first thought it was a goose. They definitely are in a row. We had three mallards fight over a female in our neighbors above ground pool.