
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Technical Difficulties ?

Just wondering if anyone had a blogging issue, yesterday.

That's because the message Update Failed kept showing up repeatedly in Blogger when I was working on a draft post. 

And, when trying to upload a photo, it would not complete that task. But, I was able to insert this → graphic, go figure.

Additionally, I was unable to post a comment on a couple of other blogs, but this didn't happen on a consistent basis as I was able to post a comment on a few others.

An online search to learn if any issue(s) had been reported by other bloggers produced no results. I couldn't find info on whether Blogger had issues.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues now or in the past? 
Hopefully, this was just a(nother) blogger glitch that will be resolved.


My name is Erika. said...

I've ad weird blogger issues at various times, but not yesterday.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Of late, it seems to be working well - at least as far as I can tell? Is it possible that sometimes the problems are regional?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had two that said could not add my photo. I closed and went out, closed browser and brought it up again, and it worked fine. when it hic cups I try that first then do a shut down. it has been having issues more than it usually does.

Marcia said...

I've had problems commenting if I'm on Safari. I only use Chrome now to comment and post.

Bijoux said...

People who’ve been commenting on my posts for years are now being marked as spam. I’m also having trouble commenting on some blogs.

Jon said...

I didn't have any problems with Blogger yesterday (which is very rare), but the ongoing problems are constant, unpredictable, and EXTREMELY frustrating.

I often have problems leaving comments on blogs, and I sometimes get complaints from people who can't leave comments on my blog.
A few days ago I was trying to write a new post and the font sizes kept mysteriously changing by themselves. I like to use a large font size......but not an insanely GIGANTIC one......

Blogger "glitches" never end, but I hope yours will be resolved soon.

NewRobin13 said...

I have had issues with commenting for a while on some blogs. Mostly blogger tells me to log in with my google account to leave a comment, but I am already logged in, so it's absurd.

Barbara Rogers said...

I have different intermittent problems...but I think today when I couldn't get the site to even open, and Chrome said something about not enough memory...I restarted the computer...didn't think it was a blogger problem. Of course I have really big photos to blog with these days...but usually they will load. Getting comments is my particular problem...they go to some la la land where I have to go find them and check the check mark to get them published. Frustrating!

Rita said...

I have had issues with blogger for ages. Yesterday it was changing font size and orientation to the left instead of where I want it--centered. If I try to post more than one photo sometimes they come out in reverse and whether I have one or many they may be off to one side or the other. I never used to have problems with this kind of double spacing that Blogger does now where it didn't used to. I had that notice pop up, too, yesterday--unable to save or some such. But I've had all the same issues for ages. All those issues are why it takes me such a long time to blog. And sometimes I cannot fix the issues no matter what I do...or they pop back when I go to publish. The price we pay for a free service, eh? LOL!

Bijoux said...

I just now tried to respond to a comment on my own blog and it had me logged out and marked as anonymous. Makes no sense!

Lee said...

Touch wood, no. And I hope not....there are enough problems without blogger adding its tuppence worth!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

The update failed message came up a couple of times for me but all seems ok at the moment except for ongoing problems with comments and commenting!
Hopefully all will be sorted soon.

All the best Jan

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I actually didn't even try to do anything on blogger yesterday or the day before, so I don't know. I took a mini break from it mainly because I just didn't have anything new to say! I am sorry for your troubles with it, but I'm glad you made it through today!! Sometimes I find out that my wireless mouse is the culprit when I'm having difficulties. It means it needs new batteries! Once I change the batteries, everything calms back down to normal.

Doris said...

I'm so infrequently on here that if there were issues I wouldn't know! Hope it just a small glitch.

diane b said...

Yes I have blogger glitches on and off. I can't comment on your post on Safari today but can on Chrome. It sure is frustrating. Hope your issues are resolved soon.

Margaret D said...

Haven't had a problem uploading so far...a few comments have gone to my spam so every day I check that.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I usually find that if I just ignore the "update failed" message and carry on typing it eventually sorts itself out. All you have to make sure of is that you don't shut down the page before it's updated successfully. A lot of people are having issues when commenting recently.

Jeanie said...

I've only had a few sporadic commenting issues. That's a bad one you had.

gigi-hawaii said...

Sometimes, my comments disappear. One blogger told he found it in Spam. Gigi Hawaii

Edna B said...

Thankfully, I haven't been having problems with my laptop. Or Blogger. Let's hope your problems are over. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

nick said...

A couple of weeks ago several people (including yourself) tried to post comments on my blog but the comment failed to appear. The problem has now resolved itself so I guess it was a glitch at Blogger that they've now fixed.

William Kendall said...

The comment issues are ongoing.

Buttercup said...

I've had all kinds of glitches -- especially an inability to post a completed post -- but things are -- fingers crossed -- okay these days. I find it gets finicky and then goes back to standard operations. No rhyme or reason.