
Monday, July 27, 2020

Calling It Quits (Not Me)

No, I'm not talking about myself, at least not right now. There's far too many ideas in the to blog about someday stockpile of mine. More ideas than time to post, but better to have them, then not.

That said, I have read several recent posts in which the blogger has "talked" about giving up his.her blog for a myriad of reasons: for some it has become a time issue with other demands (such as family, medical) others have said they've run out of topics (really?) and still others have claimed it's no longer fun for them. And, as we all know, when the fun stops, it's really no fun at all.

We blog for many reasons — to share our life, home, family, travel and personal viewpoints. Granted, sometimes a blog post (or many) may be annoying, irritating, and even contrary to our personal and fast-held beliefs, but they are that individual's. There's no need for vehement comments unless. of course, the blog thrives on that activity, which some do. It remains your right to read, comment or not, and the level at which you choose to do so — nicely or not  it's your choice. You could also choose not to read certain posts and maybe not raise your BP. (Mine is already a bit elevated these days.)

Which brings me in a very roundabout way to the topic of this post  a blogger who is signing off from blog-land and one who I will miss reading. Of course, quitting isn't unusual and others have done so before. Some return after an absence; others have quit without a final post.

This week, I read a final post from Valerie, a blogger from the UK, on her blog, A Mixed Bag. In her words: I am quitting. Yes, you read that right. Thing is, I am  too old for this game or any other game and it is all down to age and degeneration. 

Valerie wrote that she's blogged for many years, enjoyed it and the friends made. Rather than repeat her brief farewell post, you can follow the above ↑ blog link.

It was disappointing to read that Valerie not would be putting her books away and forgetting that she wrote stories and books (her words).  That's unfortunate as her stories were a joy to read. She's is a talented and creative writer who created visual imagery through words. If her blog remains online, you may be still be able to read some of her stories.

This isn't the first time, a blogger that I and others have enjoyed has decided to quit blogging. And, most likely, it won't be the last. As stated above, lives change as do people's needs.

Backtracking a bit to this date in late February, I wrote about fellow blogger Laurie, a talented artist, who posted that she was quitting her blog, Where the Spruce Trees Grow, for medically related issues. Laurie was always open in sharing her blogging 
difficulties after a brain injury and failing eyesight. She left blogging, returned briefly, but eventually announced that she was quitting permanently (failed eyesight was her reason). Sadly you won't be able to see her artwork. While her blog title remains, all posts have been removed.

So once again, another blogger is leaving the blog world. I wish Valerie all good things in her blog "retirement." Admittedly, I will also miss hearing about the antics of her cat, Charlie.

Thanks, Valerie, for sharing such wonderful stories and unfailing good humor on your blog. I, and others, will miss reading them. And, if you ever want a guest blog post, just let me know. Please stop in for a visit, every now and then. I (and others) would like to know how and what you're doing.

OK, your turn, any other bloggers thinking about quitting? Do comment on why or why not.

Speaking for myself, Blogging is a wonderful outlet and I appreciate that others share a similar opinion. Like some, it's my only form of social media. My regret is that it's difficult to comment on everyone's posts in a timely manner as some blog often. I try to visit everyone's blog at least weekly, more often if possible. My own posting has been cut back to 3X a week and there's still a stockpile of ideas. Thanks, as always, for your comments, ALL are much appreciated.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

As you say people have many reasons for deciding not to blog. Sometimes, I suspect that it is the simple wish to move on to something new. People even do that in relationships!

Ron said...

Beautifully expressed post!

I too am heartbroken about Valerie calling it quits because we've been blogging together for a little over 10 years. I will miss her dearly. I've been blogging since 2006, so I come from a time when people blogged to connect, share, and converse. We've shared about births, deaths, jobs, and relationships. I can't tell you how many people I blog with that we actually traveled to meet up in person and became longtime friends. And are still friends.

But the whole landscape of blogging has changed. Unfortunately with the invention of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, social media has turned very superficial. Communication means merely hitting a "like" button and moving on. There is no "quality" communication.

That's why for me, I remain with blogging because it takes more time, but it's quality communication.

I don't post as much as I used to when I first started blogging, but I still enjoy posting at least once a week. I also still enjoy reading other blogs. But I have noticed over the years, more and more people calling it quits and closing their blogs.

Like you, I still find things to blog about, so I don't plan on giving it up. And I hope you don't either because I enjoy your posts. You put a lot of time and energy into your posts and I appreciate that.

Have a terrific week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Over the years I've had several friends that quit actually more than several but usually I pick up other friends after that and I feel the space that is left. I agree all the social media has done away with blogging blogging has more work but it's a different platform. I like someplace to put my creative side and Facebook just irritates me and makes me want to fight back. I will continue to blog as long as I enjoy it and enjoy the relationships. There was a time when I tried to keep up with too many but then I made it a smaller amount of friends so that it did not take over my life

Coastal Ripples said...

I guess we all blog for different reasons and as time passes those reasons change. I too have noticed a few of my very favourites disappear. Each time it’s a wrench as we get so attached to each other in cyber space and then suddenly they’re gone. I’m feeling that many have struggled of late, even I seem to be posting less recently. It’s sad too when the site is taken down so you can’t even read their past posts but that’s their choice I guess.
Well here’s to all us bloggers that are here at the moment. Long may we continue. Thanks for your post, it’s great to air our feelings. B x

Anvilcloud said...

I had reason to find quite an old blog yesterday, 13 years old as a matter of fact. I was looking for a post about a neighbour who has just passed away. Not one person who commented at that time is still active or at least as far as I am concerned.

I guess it’s a way for me to write and sometimes create. I had tried journaling in he past, but it never took. I guess just having a small audience keeps me going.

Sometimes, I find a way to (I think) bring some interest to something very ordinary, and I like that. I thought I was able to generate some interest in the recent humming in the grocery store post. And sometimes I try to appeal to humour.

Edna B said...

A lot of the blogs that I used to follow have disappeared. Some of them, I really miss a lot. I started blogging in January 2008. I love to write but I just can't seem to do it well enough to write a book. My blog is my outlet for all my creativeness, and it's sort of a daily journal of my doings. It may not be interesting every day, but then my life just isn't interesting every single day. I'll keep blogging as long as I can. I'm only eighty, so I still have a while to write. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

DUTA said...

Several times, I was about to quit blogging; and each time it so happened that a reader reminded me of something I had written in the past. I felt terribly proud and flattered. 'Look , I said to myself, she/he remembered something that even I had forgotten'. So, I went on blogging.

The blog helps me practice english, which is not my first language, and that's of great importance to me as I believe a language, any language is an asset to be taken good care of.

Lois Evensen said...

It's so sad to see a blogger leave the blog universe. I learn so much from other bloggers and enjoy the friendships. I started the blog to stay in touch with family and friends when we were floating around the world at sea most of the time. Now it is just plain fun.

Anonymous said...

There have been several blogs over the years that have simply disappeared. I have an old list that I sometimes check to see if anyone has come back. None have. I have thought about quitting a couple of times, but truly the blog has been a great resource for reminding us of things we have long forgotten. I get very attached to our blogging friends. Their presence helps remind me of the goodness and beauty in our world. I just wish everyone would keep on blogging!

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

I have been blogging since 2006 and don't intend to stop any time soon. At age 87 I need reasons to keep going and posting a blog entry every 5th day makes it necessary for me to find an interesting topic and then to write about it from my viewpoint. To be honest it keeps me connected to the world around me and I don't want to lose that.

Connie said...

I have many blogger friends who have also quit. I have considered it, but for now I am still keeping the blog. I have cut way back on the number of posts, though.

Emma Springfield said...

I have been on an extended leave. Part of the problem is the accident my son and grandson had. Part of it is because it is hard for me to get back into the discipline of writing. I hope I will be back soon.

L. D. said...

I have been a "show and tell" person since grade school so my blog is a part of my blood. I do take a hit once and a while and the blogs are weak but that is because my body isn't cooperating.

David said...

Beatrice, Like many other long-term bloggers, I too have considered giving it up. Like you however, its my only form of social media communication. My big issue right now is a lack of topics while under the coronavirus blanket, which severely limits travel, dining out and even family visits. I like to blog about food (restaurants in particular) and history. (towns and historic sites we visit) Not much of either going on right now...nor in the near future. I'm down to twice a week and I may go all the way down to once at the rate things are going. Time will tell! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Marcia said...

I have considered quitting several times. But I'm still here trying to find the right niche. As my abodes have changed they changed what I blogged on. I plan to do a major revamp within the month, including a new title and background. It's still jelling.

I have lost count of the blogs I'd read that have disappeared.

Carola Bartz said...

Like you experienced, many blogs I enjoyed have disappeared. I have been blogging for 10 years now and while I have never thought of quitting there were times when I took a break or just didn't blog very much, for different reasons. Often it is my work that can get very busy from time to time; sometimes it's a feeling of hopelessness or just despair (like right now) when I don't feel like writing at all. Sometimes I feel that I can't express myself the way I really want (English is my second language). But I also know that usually my joy of blogging eventually returns and all the relationships are so worth it.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

It's always sad to see a blogger friend quitting.

I hope you will write for a long time, Beatrice. I've always enjoyed your posts and learned a lot from them.

I don't plan to stop blogging yet. :) I have made many online friends through blogs and forums, and have met some of them while traveling.

Jon said...

I've considered abandoning my blog many times, but - I'm addicted. For me, blogging is an emotional outlet and a personal catharsis.

I also believe that most bloggers (whether we admit it or not) are armchair exhibitionists. We thrive on the feedback and attention (or validation from others).

Unfortunately, in recent years the world of blogging has changed drastically. It used to be a pleasant endeavor, where you could write what you want.
Nowadays people have become super-sensitive (almost psychotically sensitive). If you write one thing that they don't like, you'll be dropped like a proverbial hotcake.

I was really surprised and disappointed that Valerie is closing her blog - yet I can understand her reasons.
She is a very special lady and an extremely talented writer. Her blog will be missed.

mamasmercantile said...

I have seen so many blogs come and go overtime which is sad and they are certainly missed. I have thought about it a few times but would miss the many friendships that have formed.

My name is Erika. said...

This is such a valid post. I don't know which is better: When a blogger disappears and you don't know what happens or when someone says they are done. I can get the frustrations. I have days I feel overwhelmed in blogland as I am an admin on 2 challenge blogs (as you know) and sometimes just commenting on those blogs is too much. And when you skip a day, you come back to more people you have to visit that it takes forever to visit. But then it is also so much fun and so nice to meet new people all over the world. I thought of you yesterday when I drove through Nashua on the way down to visit my mom. One of these days (when it is not so hot and this virus recedes a bit more) we shall have to meet for lunch when I pass through. Stay cool today. It is really brutally hot, but you know that. Hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

This is an interesting and sad post (except not sad in that you will be here!) I'm always glad if -- when a blogger quits -- they do as Valerie did and Laurie (whom I followed) too. Say it. We all have reasons for leaving as you said.

I can't imagine ever stopping. I can imagine posting less if I don't have the time or something to say. But not stopping. But you never know. I choose not to write a daily blog as some do. I don't want that pressure. Nor do I host blog parties and links, although I love to participate if I have something to bring to the party.

The thing about blogging is that there are really no rules. You can post daily or monthly; you can post thematically every time or jump all over the place like me. You can answer online, offline or not at all. It's what we make it and if we enjoy it, we should make it the way that makes it easy to enjoy and not to fulfill someone else's idea. To me, that is stressful.

So, I'm not gong anywhere. I'll be sad when some stop. I've made remarkable friends in the 13 years I've blogged, all over the world. There are blogs I no longer follow because they ceased to interest me and people who have dropped from the Gypsy. And that's OK. We all have lives. I'm just glad you'll still be around!

Jenny Woolf said...

I agree with you - hope you don't stop blogging and I am very sorry that Valerie has. Like some of the people who have posted here, though, I do find that during this pandemic I am just not doing the kind of things I usually do and hence write about. Still, it occurred to me that I am focusing on the smaller things now and they are also very interesting. Hmmmm, I reckon I'm trying to push myself into doing another post! :)