
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Way We Were . . . and Are

We’re celebrating and sharing a special day today — 
Our Anniversary, which is even more special this year because:

  • Anniversary #12
  • On the 21st day
  • In the year 2012

Lots of 2’s and 1’s, so we’re buying some lottery tickets !
How many?  21, of course — those 2’s and 1’s might prove lucky. (But then, we already feel that way.)  Now, for some memories.

THEN — “Beatrice” & “Grenville”  on August 21, 1999 . . .

Our wedding pics1ANOW  — Dorothy & Pat in 2012 . . .

Now collage2We’ve “bared” (or un-beared) our “true” identities with many fellow bloggers, who have been wonderful about keeping our “secret” (THANKS).

B&G collageBeatrice & Grenville are having fun and will continue blogging.

DRAT keep forgetting to add this plug for my favorite Windows blog program. Great feature is that you CAN use it to create off-line posts and then upload them to your blog platform (Blogger, WordPress later). Too bad that it only works on PCs and not MacsLiveWriter-credit-360


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy anniversary, you both look as good now as you did then maybe better. and the joy and happiness with each other shows in both then and now. love the kitty ost and the bull dog post. and i see you have fixed your photos so they enlarge. i did enlarge all the ones today and the kitty and bulldog...

Doris said...

Happy Anniversary to you! Love the wedding photos! Of course, I love the current ones too. You two are a fun, full of life couple and I'm blessed to have met you. Enjoy your day!

Sara said...

Oh I love this blog--and you know we love you both. Happy, Happy Anniversary and many many more happy, healthy years together.

Montanagirl said...

Happy Anniversary! And here's wishing you many, many more!! You make a charming couple.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Happy anniversary! I hope you win!!!

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful! Happy Anniversary to you both. Loved your photos and finally seeing you and finding out your real names. I always thought Beatrice and Grenville were your real ones - smiles. Have a super day celebrating with many, many, many more celebrations in the future.

Connie said...

Aw, happy anniversary to you both! I enjoyed seeing the wonderful wedding and family photos!

grammie g said...

HI B&G aka Dot&Pat....the cover are of, but of course I knew that...after having had the wonderful pleasure of meeting you both in person!!
I think your story is on of fate, you are a great couple!!
Congratulations on your 12TH,with all the 1&2's and if you win the lottery remember me up here is Maine ; }!
Loved the wedding ,and family shots!!
Have a special day for the special people you are!!


Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!


Diana said...

Happy Anniversary!! You are both dear people. wishing you the best always. Let us know if you win the lottery.. but like you said..if you have love you already have. and you do.. celebrate! love,Diana

CountryDew said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anvilcloud said...

Many congratulations. And delurking isn't all that painful, eh?

Anvilcloud said...

Maybe I should say decloaking as in a Klingon Bird of Prey (sounds like the right phrase, but I'm not going to bother looking it up).

Charlotte Wilson said...

Happy Anniversary you love birds, Beatrice and Granville. Do something nice like go on a cruise.
I hope you have many more happy years!


Cicero Sings said...

Happy Anniversary! So fun to see you then and now. Yes, you do make a lovely couple. Interesting all the 1s and 2s.

Elaine said...

I know you had a happy anniversary, but all my best wishes for the next 12 to be just as great as the first 12. Hope your numbers work out on the lottery, but even if they don't, you can't buy happiness. "Un-beared" made me laugh! Whatever identity you go by it's fun following your adventures, and even more fun after meeting you. Glad that Beatrice and Grenville will keep on blogging!

possum said...

Congrats guys!
But then I've already said that.

barbara l. hale said...

I didn't have time to do my usual run through and missed this. Belated happy anniversary from me!

Unknown said...

Oh this is a great way to show then and now...a great idea to commemorate the anniversary. Belated (again) from us up north, too.

Ludwig said...

Happy anniversary, Beatrice, Grenville, Dorothy, Pat!
Four of you?! Is that legal in this country! Regardless, All the best!!

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

What a fine looking couple.... then AND now!!

Belated congratulations to you both!!!!!!