
Monday, August 27, 2012

Climbing AGAIN

OK so we were lulled a bit in mid-summer, but now gas prices are steadily on the rise (again) along with other costs, like food. On a weekend trip to Baltimore, MD this past weekend (3 hours away), this was the gas price range — $3.50 to $3.77/gas. gas prices2 0825 collageQuite a difference from gas prices in mid-June  when the low price was $3.29/gal. By mid-July, prices ranged from $3.35 to $3.57/gal.

Yes, we know that these prices are way less than folks in other parts of the world now pay. Blogger friend Christer posted last week: I had to fill my car with petrol yesterday and now it costs 15,49 Swedish kronor/ liter and that is $ 9.31 /US gallon. I just can’t understand this, the US dollar is cheaper than it has in a very long time and still the price just goes up!

After reading that, these prices almost seem cheap — but not really.LiveWriter-credit-360


Anvilcloud said...

I think a lot of countries generate a lot of tax revenue from gasoline sales. Americans are reputed not to like taxation. :)

Country Gal said...

I hear you , ours here in Canada is $3.90 a gallon ! It's crazy !

possum said...

Welcome home!
Hope you had a good trip. Do you ever figure what it costs to drive up there? Or even from here to Pocomoke? And add that on to the cost of what you go to, say, Lowe's for?

Montanagirl said...

We have $3.659 here for a gallon of regular. Keeps us around home alot!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ours jumped 20 cents in one week, 3.77 and climbing. a blogger in Australia commented on my 4.00 quart of grapes that it is 9 dollars for grapes in her country. and bread is 8.00 a loaf.

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

Oh yes, and my Mini takes Premium!!! At least it gets over 30 mpg but still it's painful! And don't even mention the diesel truck.... ouch!

DeniseinVA said...

No rhyme nor reason is there?

Ludwig said...

Prices should start down again: We are back from our vacation trip. Prices really zoomed up while we were on the road. We averaged $3.81 for the six refills from Georgia to Ohio and back.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The gas prices are just ridiculous and now I'm hearing food will go up by at least 15%. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

I wish I just could drive over to You and fill up my car :-):-)

Have a great day!

HermitJim said...

Food and fuel prices will continue to climb, I'm afraid!

Somehow my monthly earnings are not able to keep pace with all the higher prices.

I'm guessing that I'll be a lot poorer very soon!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Thank GOD we don't travel much! WHY?? That's my question. I just don't get it. I had to laugh at your comment on my post about listening for the UP's truck. I do that very same thing! :)