
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lighting Up (Again)

A June blog post showed some unusual ways to light a grill with miniature replicas of weapons. Here's a couple more (non-violent) ways to light the BBQ - perfect for that handy man/woman.

Lighters BBQ

And, in case you plan to go shopping, the fishing pole and screwdriver lighters were found in a Kitchen Collection store.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are crazy.. never seen them before, but then i have not looked, so will check out he stores to see if we have them. we use boxed matches but i do have one gun for my candles

Montanagirl said...

Love these. I saw some of the fishing pole lighters in a hardware store the other day. Very cute.At times, they've also had miniature rifles.

barbara l. hale said...

What people won't think of!

Doris said...

I got a screw driver lighter for Dale for Father's Day! Found it in the gift department of our Pharmacy in Manheim. They carry the cutest (and pricy!) things....just couldn't resist this for my carpenter hubby =)

Anonymous said...

:-) :-) :-) We never see fun thing like that here :-)

Have a great day!

HermitJim said...

Our local Ace has many different types of these lighters. Never thought of getting one as a gift for someone, but that's not a bad idea!

Elaine said...

I've seen the fishing poles and also rifles, but not the screwdrivers. Looking ahead a bit they would make nice stocking stuffers for the carpenters in the family.

Connie said...

What will they think of next!