
Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Funnies


Here's a mystery; can you figure out what this is?

Looks like a rough check board pattern doesn't it?

These ARE sticky notes, also called post-its.

And, these were seen in a very unusual place . . .

ALL over the hood and sides of a car parked at the YMCA yesterday.

Car of Note

Lots of funny thoughts: Taking note . . . Did the driver get the message? . . . Forgetful? . . . sticky situation — OR (most likely) was someone playing a practical joke on the car owner?

We did NOTE (whoops) that the car was there when we left the gym, so we'll never know WHY.

(Just goes to show that you never know when you'll see something silly, strange or BOTH !)


Montanagirl said...

Someone is always up to something aren't they? I guess we'll all be left to wonder.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first time for me, did you check to see if there was writing on the notes?

Out on the prairie said...

I wonder what the message was, perhaps a B Day

Grammy Goodwill said...

My first thought was the car owner was advertisting something. You took the note with his info. I've seen things like that on public bulletin boards.

DeniseinVA said...

And that's why we are always grateful for a camera at the ready, so that we can share these funny moments. Thanks Beatrice :) Were there any messages I wonder? Maybe it was a case of boy likes girl, today's equivalent of dipping someone's pigtails in the inkwell ;)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the owner was thinking when seeing the car :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Connie said...

Haha! That's quite a sight. I think it is most likely part of a prank too. Have a nice weekend!

Elaine said...

Some prankster has been at work. I wonder at what speed these all would start flying in the wind--probably fairly quickly.

Ginnie said...

I would never have guessed that without the 2nd picture ... how odd !!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

LOL!!!! >:)JP

grammie g said...

HI my is that ever funny ..I never would have guessed that from the first picture!! : }}}}}