
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Since You Asked

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the Green House post. To answer some questions .....

1. It was NOT made of glass.... Not even corrugated poly. The walls were aluminum frame and poly carbonate panels. It was very light, which is why you see 4 old folks walking it over to the trailer.

2. YES it is going to a very good home. I have been told that it will be living next to a nice farm pond. I wish i was so lucky.

3. YES the new owners are nice folks. We have known them for a while. They are as close to 'Self Sustainers' as you can get. If you haven't checked out their website treat yourselves to a stop there. On the down side, their cow was attacked by dogs recently and sustained serious injury to her utter. Gangrene has set in and it doesn't look very positive as of yesterday. This, along with a few goats, was their source of fresh milk. YES, they milked their cow every day.  Just think how fresh their milk was.

SO what's next for the Green House Plot??????? Well, you'll just have to keep checking back to see.

The question of the day is:::: Can you train a Sharp Shin Hawk to eat Starlings, Grackles, and Cow Birds?????? It seems our neighborhood SS Hawk prefers Cardinals and Bluejays. Maybe if we spray paint some of the grackles???????



Elaine said...

Let us know how that spray paint operation goes.

Montanagirl said...

Hmmm - spray paint. Keep us posted!

Country Gal said...

Paint ball gun lol ! Thats sad abouth their cow poor thing ! Glad to hear the green house has found another wonderful home ! Have a good day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy to hear the house has a good home and so sorry about their cow, that is heart breaking to me. and if you figure out how to stop the hawks from eating our song birds let me know, they chased away and ate all my cooing doves, jays and cardinals are gone

Carole Barkett said...

Love the last comment, Does anything eat Starlings?