
Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Funnies

011312 reader (3)This guy will never finish reading this paper, the news will always stay the same, and the paper will never get wet.

011312 reader (2)He’s been on the same page for years seated on a park on a park bench in Princeton, NJ.


Country Gal said...

I like it ! Great photo ! Hve a good day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love it, this is cool

Out on the prairie said...

That continued pose has kept me from getting a few statues for the yard.LOL

grammie g said...

Hi come up with the greatest stuff ...I would never have thought of that NICE and funny!!

Connie said...

Haha! Well, at least he gets lots of fresh air. :D Have a nice weekend!

Elaine said...

Fun! The good news is that he's not having to read all the bad news that we are finding in the paper now.

possum said...

Hmmmm, that's what we need sitting out in front of the new Town Hall!

Anonymous said...

Probably just as well not to keep up to date with the economy!!!!!

Unknown said...

Bet he doesn't talk much, either!

Anvilcloud said...

I am the news has him petrified.

Carole Barkett said...

This is great. love it

Cicero Sings said...

Now more and more people don't even read papers ... what with all this new technology. In a few years, young folk won't even understand what that man is doing!