
Friday, February 17, 2012

Just say “NO!”

For word verification in Blogger. That’s what I have done on The Frog & PenguINN blog after reading about the new process in a recent post by TexWisGirl on The Run*Around*Ranch blog.

Also, this change was made after recent comments left on our blog. I had no idea how confusing the verification process had become. As as a blog author, I never see the word verification when leaving comments.

So, I checked the F&P blog settings and found that we indeed had word verification turned on, but no longer.

The change can be made by going to the Settings tab and then selecting the Comments tab.

Show word verification for comments?

Yes   No

This will require people leaving comments on your blog to complete a word verification step, which will help reduce comment spam.

Blog authors will not see word verification for comments.

Thanks fellow bloggers for the heads-up!


Ludwig said...

Your right! I will have to go and check my blog to see if I am unduly imposing on my commenters.

Andy said...

Way to go!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Ludwig & Andy, thanks for the comments. I had no idea that posting comments was so tiresome with verification and glad I found out. Commenting should be fun and not tiresome and cumbersome.

Anonymous said...

It was becoming more difficult to type the words for word verification. This will be much quicker/easier now. Enjoy the weekend.

Montanagirl said...

Good for you ! And thanks for switching over.

Anonymous said...

I hate the word verification. If you are approving your comments before they are posted, you don't need the word verification. Thanks for switching over!

Elaine said...

I made the change on my blog too.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Thank you gal for turning that off. It does make it easier for many. One word was okay but 2 now and one was so distored I could not make it out.

Hope all is good with you.

Anvilcloud said...

I dislike both verification and approval. Approval needs to be used so seldom that it's not worth the trouble. The occasional offending comment can easily be deleted.

john bain said...

What an appropriate post! I have just been struggling to make out some verification words. Thanks for making things easier.

john bain said...

Me again. Crikey! I just went and had a look and I've been inflicting the word verification on people also. It is turned off now. Thanks for your post.

Connie said...

I took it off of mine and almost immediately had to deal with several spam comments, so the word verification is annoying, but it really does ward off some spammers. I have the verification off for now, but if the spam gets too bad, I will put it back on. It seems like a no-win situation to me.

Connie said...

I took it off of mine and almost immediately had to deal with several spam comments, so the word verification is annoying, but it really does ward off some spammers. I have the verification off for now, but if the spam gets too bad, I will put it back on. It seems like a no-win situation to me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the thing is you did not have it turned on, blogger had a fit and added it back to a lot of the blogs that did not have it. they want people to use it i think. that is why all of a sudden everyone is complaining, most of the bloggers don't even know it was changed.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I have been word verification free for about three years and have no problem with spam. Bloggers Spam catcher catches it all. If you do have a problem then enable comment verification NOT the word verification. Thanks for this post , it helps get the word out.

Belated Happy Birthday! :)

Out on the prairie said...

I never had any idea what the verification did, it is tough with the new array of wierd words.

TexWisGirl said...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU for joining in and spreading the anti-word verification message! HURRAY!!!

Carole Barkett said...

It's frustrating I'm so glad when I don't have to use it.

Anonymous said...

I usually don't mind word verification but it has been troublesome lately. First I couldn't comment on open ID if there was word verification, I don't know why it just didn't work. Then suddenly we had to write two words and one of those words usually is impossible to read :-) :-) Now it will be much easier to comment again :-)

Have a great day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Everyone and THANKS for your comments. The settings would have been changed sooner IF we had known about the extra step folks had to take when leaving comments. Thanks again, Therea (TesWisGirl) for the heads-up alert to this apparently very annoying problem.

Glad folks can make comments much easier now as we so enjoy getting them and replying...keep 'em coming!

Cicero Sings said...

Betsy prompted me to do the same and got the process done a few days ago now.