
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creepy Crawlers & Early Blooms

Temperatures were above average a couple of days this week, good weather for doing some outdoor yard work and finding interesting photo subjects. These colorful crawlers were spotted while raking up wood chips in the back yard.

crawlersThere was also an abundance of large black beetles.

black beetleAlready blooming on the lawn are several varieties of small and very invasive wildflowers including birds eye speedwell, purple henbit, and mouse-eared chickweed.

wildflowersSome daffodils are also putting in an early appearance.


What critters and blooms are showing up in your part of the world?


Anvilcloud said...

"What critters and blooms are showing up in your part of the world?"

You are joking. Right? Give us another two months or so.

Connie said...

It's a little early here for blooms, but we do have the very tips of some daffodils poking through the mud in the flower bed. Great pictures all, but I like your flowers better than your bugs. :-D

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

AC, joking not for some parts of the world, but I do see your point as you might still be looking for lawn.

Daisy, usually I prefer flower shots too, but these crawlers were so interesting and diverse.

Montanagirl said...

Nothing here yet! It's been 30 degrees today with some sparse snow flurries. Pretty chilly now that it's time for spring! I think the Snowy Owls have headed out too, back to Northern Alaska, the Arctic Tundra and possibly Eurasia.

Country Gal said...

Love your photos ! I have Daffodils and Hyacinths just poking above ground ! I am waiting for spring thats for sure ! Have a good day !

Anonymous said...

Great pictures...don't you love this time of year? I remember as a kid making bracelets out of wildflowers that grew in the lawn!
We are seeing jonquils, tulips and crocus.

Unknown said...

Batten down the hatches. It's been flurrying all day here and we've had gale force winds taking down trees left and right. With all this wind the snow didn't stick but I'd say it ought to finally reach the ground somewhere in your neck of the woods around daylight tomorrow!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I weeded my flower bed yesterday and found quite a few earthworms. I've even found a few ticks in the last month. Ugh - can't we ever get away from those nasty critters.

Elaine said...

Gotta agree with AC! The Ice Park opens Tuesday so some fanciful critters might turn up there, but there's a whole lot of snow to melt before we see any kind of flowers.

Lois Evensen said...

Signs of Spring! We are told there is a world shortage of escargot. You could encourage those critters in your garden and make a fortune. ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have crawly worms, kind of like the lower left one in your collage, night crawlers hubby calls them, i call them fishin worms. no colors on ours here. yesterday the yard was full of love bugs, the dreaded love bugs of Florida. and bees are every where and 4 different butterflies

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Mona, going to miss seeing those beautiful snowy owls as well. Maybe you will get some snow before spring does come?

Hi Elaine (Country Girl) the only thing we have plenty of in bloom now are those invasive lawnflowers; lots of buds on the daffodils but few open in our yard. But, in the neighbors yard it's different as they are plenty.

Mildred, actually I enjoy winter and miss that we hardly had any this year.

Chip, nope nothing here as far as snow or rain and even the winds finally died down.

Sweet Virginia Breeze , sorry but I don't know your first name, please let me know. I agree about ticks and my personal nemesis is the mosquito.

Elaine, looking forward to those ice park images that you will surely be posting.

Lois, what a thought cause the $ would come in handy for our relocation!

Sandra, yes I have heard of those "love" bugs which no one seems to love or even like...what a very odd name, maybe hate bugs would be better?

Anonymous said...

Snowdrops are flowering but that's it. But tulips and crocuses are showing some green above the ground now. All other living creatures are way down below the ground frost yet.

Have a great day!

CountryDew said...

Not quite that spring-looking yet here in the mountains, but getting there!

Carole Barkett said...

oh yuck to the creepy crawlies. Nothing here but snow and cold. Enjoy your daffodils for me. :O)

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

I'm taking a hiatus from gardening while we're renting. I've got to get out and prune back the honeysuckle vine near the back door though or we might be trapped inside when it starts growing again!

Cicero Sings said...

Flowers? Already? We are coated, just coated in the white stuff. It will be a while yet before we see green let alone colour!