
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fellow Bloggers Are the BEST

The song goes that “there’s no people like show people . . .” Thatt’s NOT true, because there’s definitely NO people like bloggers, especially when it comes to creativity and thoughtfulness.

Here’s WHY . . .

These wonderful surprises came in the mail this week .

Tammy gift (6)

A beautiful embroidered 1st Birthday onesie and a just-as-cute handmade bib too.

bib collage

Thanks, Tammy, these will look adorable on our sweet granddaughter. Bloggers are the nicest folks so very gracious in sharing talents. We are very thankful!


Connie said...

The onesie and bib are adorable and so is the little girl for whom they were made. What a wonderful gift!

Carole Barkett said...

Absolutely beautiful

Montanagirl said...

How sweet was that??? So cute, and such a nice bloggie friend!

Lois Evensen said...

How sweet for a sweet little girl!

In answer to your question on my blog about the dogs on board the ship, I knew someone would ask and I guessed it would be YOU! The dogs used the POOP deck! Well, not really the poop deck, but a deck above it. The back of deck four was roped off to give a large place for the dogs to run and play AND there were comfort stations there for them. The comfort stations are large wooden boxes, lined in plastic, with wood chips. The service dogs knew what to do in the comfort stations. ;) We had nine dogs on board last week; one dog on board this week. This week's dog is a food taster! He alerts when there are allergies in foods the human owner cannot eat. Great fun in the dining room. ;)

Sunday Port Canaveral Greetings,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

precious and I love that bib, Tammy is so talented, in crafts and sewing and photography. she even screened all the window screens in her house. sheis sooo talented. what a great surprise.

Out on the prairie said...

What a lovely little girl. Elizabeth was my grandmother so was used in our family often, she went by libby.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

YES Daisy, Carole, Mona, Lois Sandra that Tammy is one talented and gracious southern lady who is much appreciated as a blogging friend!

THANKS Steve, our little Elizabeth goes by the nickname of Ellie.