
Monday, February 20, 2012

Don’t Call this SNOW

. . . cause we certainly won’t !

WOW two snowfalls just a week apart. Grenville posted about last weekend’s snowfall here on the VA eastern shore.

Earlier today, this was the scene in our back yard after an overnight snow or rather an “attempted” snowfall. If you look (very) closely on the left side, you can see the “guard flamingoes” where the greenhouse used to reside. They asked Grenville if he planned to put in a beach area since the sand was already there. He’s thinking about it.IMG_9669There was no need to clear the “accumulation” from our Jeeps before heading to the “Y” today. IMG_9670Yes,  we did brave the elements to go and work out today. After all, what’s a little – and we DO mean very little – snow – or was that just some lint that fell overnight?


Connie said...

Ha! We call that a dusting. :)

Montanagirl said...

Ya know, it's really weird, but we have hardly and snow this winter! Lots of Snowy Owls though, LOL !!

Country Gal said...

LOL ! We have snow and grass , the weather is warming up and it is sunny today will be getting rain tomorrow so the snow will go even more ! I must say that for here in Ontario Canada this has been the wimpyest winter I have ever seen ! Have a good day !

Christer said...

I think I call that a hint of snow :-) :-)
Our snow is almost all gone now and I don't miss it :-)

Have a great day!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Kind of looks like my "sprinkling of powdered sugar" last week!...:)JP

L. D. said...

Yes we are getting rain right now as the temperatures are too warm for anything else. We still have snow on the ground.

Elaine said...

Nope, can't call that snow!

Out on the prairie said...

I have been getting rained on all day, still lots of snow however on the ground

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Daisy, this was more like heavy flurries because it was a wet snow.

Mona, and one would expect that Montana WOULD have snowy weather in winter as you have showed in last year's posts.

Elaine (Country Girl) it seems that way all over - U.S. and Canada

Christer, but we so enjoy your snow and the photos you show us.

JP, if this was a lighter snow then that would be a great description!

Larry, we had the rain all afternoon and then this "snow" came, but by then the ground was drenched.

Elaine, so true this ain't snow!

Steve, I saw the photos you had of the snow on the ground - lovely (to us) as former NJ-ites.

Scott Law said...

I can definitely relate to your snowfall concerns this year. But I guess it's been pretty much nation wide. Of course last year was just the opposite, so I guess it all evens out.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

If we must have snow, that is the type I prefer. We had more here in central Virginia, but it didn't stick around once the sun came up. Now its suppose to be in the 70s Thursday - my kind of weather!

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

People keep accusing us of bringing the warm weather from LA... but I had been so anxious to see a good snowfall! Too bad you didn't get much!

possum said...

This was a good ole Eastern Shore Snow! My favorite kind. Here for breakfast, gone by lunch!
Works for me!

DeniseinVA said...

I was actually hoping for snow - shhhhh.....don't tell anyone :) We were promised it but not one flake, just me :)

Ginnie said...

Well, that's a heck of a lot more snow than we've had and I'm only about4 hours south of you! Crazy winter. answer your question on my, I don't know the person (or persons) who carved the pencils but thought they were of enough interest to share with other everyone.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes Scott, a good snowfall is in short supply in lots of states this winter.

Grace, glad you got your wish!

Possum, this one didn't even make it till our breakfast!

Denise, your secret is safe and psst we wanted more too.

Ginnie, very odd winter so far and agreed that those carved pencils were darn interesting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the last time i saw snow, it was January of 86, in savannah, and it looked like this when we got up. snow in Savannah is rare in deed

Anvilcloud said...

We will still have snow on the ground for another month or so. Depending on where you look, we probably have more than a foot. It's more ice than snow though after rain and temps above freezing and refreezing and so on.

Carole Barkett said...

you can have some of ours :O)