So how many of you really do your regular data backups?????? I always say I'm going to do it, but somehow other things get in the way. I remember back in the stone ages of xt’s and 386’s people had whole units to do backups that were as big a box as the computer was.
Well, after our returning from the New Hampshire trip and having some glitches i decided to go through all my data, get rid of what i don’t need and use that nifty 40 gig portable hard drive i bought to do backups,,,,, 3 years ago. HEY!!!! Ya don’t want to rush into some things. So now the backups are done. Even the weather data since 2005. And i was happy. In fact so happy i decided to take the rest of the evening off and have some ‘me time’, starting with a long hot shower.
The Princess had gone to the Y so i decided to be nice and fix dinner, BUT made a quick stop at the downstairs bathroom………. Now, i have never heard of plumbing systems being jealous, but apparently they can be. The downstairs toilet (last thing on the line as it goes out) was overflowing. The main septic line was now ‘Backed Up’.
Remember all the fun Plumber Jack had the other day fighting with the evil ‘roots’????? Well apparently after dislodging the root clog it did not “go quietly into the night”. No it begrudgingly headed to the main line and there decided to ‘backup’.
Plumber Jack was here again after i begged his wife to let him come ‘play’. After sending the BIG snake up the line numerous times, and not seeming to clear the latest clog i started to listen to the ground where the line is buried. What should have been a metallic clinking sound of the snake going through cast
iron was a dull thumping sound (all together now say ‘Oh No!!!!’).
The decision to dig up where I heard the thudding was an easy one. What we found was the least expected. If you have never heard of “Green Field” piping it is nothing more than tarpaper rolled into a pipe. It is the cheap substitute for the old time cast iron. It also does not hold up to pressure from above, and since the main septic line runs under our parking area we
had a sure fire disaster in the making. As they say on TV,,, BUT THATS NOT ALL!!!!!! Even after finding this crushed and broken pipe and clearing the dirt from it we still had little or no flow. Half an
hour with a closet auger finally got to the root of all the problems and it was extracted with great effort (told you it didn’t go quietly). And with that we finally had flow, and a big open spot in the line. Since this line will be getting replaced next Monday we decided that a temporary solution to keep any more dirt or debris from falling into the open line was in order.
SOOOO if you are going to do any data backups, make sure that the bathroom door is securely shut.
Hey Grenville.. thanks so much for the good laugh I so needed...I am sorry it is at your expence, but at least you are able to joke about it...sorry about all your "crap" lol!!
Sorry I haven't been around,but my new post will explain!!
Yikes! You two have had way more than your share of plumbing problems lately. I hope once you get your new pipe put in that things will be good as new again.
Note to self: stop whinging about your minor plumbing woes.
Messy business..and I have one sink drain that is slow..I will not complain..hang in there:)
Oh boy - When you've reached bottom, there's only one way to go . . .LOL
If you had just done your computer backups regularly.....
BTW, how can you manage to get everything on a 40 gig hard drive? You obviously are not adding a whole lot of photos.
I'm so stupid I have no idea about backing up my computer. I shall look into it. The computer I mean, not the septic tank.
At least now you know the problem and you all gave it your best effort in trying to fix it. Some times you just have to call in the big guys.
It will all will be flowing like clockwork soon.
I always tell myself that this weekend I'll do the back up on my computer, but it never gets done :-) :-)
I have never heard about that kind of pipe made of tar paper, thankfully this place was renovated totally 1985 and I know they used plastic pipes all the way :-)
Have a great day!
No!! All those backups! Ugh! Your upbeat report has got me smiling and optimistic this morning ... thank you for that! xo
Wow, you guys really know how to get fun in your lives, right?
Lets hope this takes care of things or you will have to rename this the Clog Blog!
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