
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Blog-iversary #14

Of course, the title isn't actually a word (blog-iversary or blog-aversary?), but was cobbled together to announce a milestone
—our blog celebrates its 14th-year anniversary 🎉 todaytime that's gone by very fast.

The aptly titled First Post on Sunday, January 16, 2010 was written by Grenville, who most now know as Patrick, my husband and co-blog administrator.

In that post, he wrote: Have you ever wondered what others think of your life? Is it interesting? Sound like fun? Wish they could be living it? Think that you are wasting your time and theirs? Wonder why they are still reading about the stuff you are doing?

He further explained that the blog would be about our home, the town we lived in (back then a small town on the VA eastern shore), what we were doing, adventures taken and/or dreamed about, friends and a little (or lot) of our ramblings about life in general.

That first post elicited a scant three comments, two of which were from a friend who lived nearby. Next, it was my turn to post and that post explained that the blog name, The Frog & PenguINN, was what we had christened our VA home after learning that other homes in the area also had names. We went for a bit of fun with ours based on a collection of frog and penguin items. The INN part of the blog name happened as we briefly had thought about it being a B&B; however, after talking to a NJ friend who ran one, soon decided that would not be an option, but we kept the name. 

Frog & PenguINN, VA, before & after
Our VA home was an older one needing makeovers which kept us busy for several years after we had relocated from our native NJ in 2004. Our new town had a total population of less than 500, starting a blog seemed a fun way to reach out to others. 

Back then, we were avidly posting about everything. That first year some months had more posts than days in the month. In the fall of 2010, we went on an extended road trip to New England, not suspecting that it would become our future home in 2017 when we relocated to NH. This was the first of our future road trip posts.

In time, comments grew, up to a high of 10 and recently over 30. That number has never mattered, then or now. We've enjoyed sharing our lives and adventures and will continue to do so. Over the years, several folks whose blogs we've read or who read ours are no longer blogging, some by choice, sadly a few have passed. We're grateful that some bloggers (you know who you are) not only still comment, but have kept blogging as well. We appreciate all who stop in to visit — the Welcome mat is always out.

In case you're curious, like me, here's what was happening 14 years ago in 2010.

Internet source
Take note of the price of a USPS First Class stamp when it was 44 cents. As of January 21, 2024, the price for a First-Class Forever Postage Stamp increases from 66 cents to 68 cents (still time to stock up). Notice too that the federal minimum wage was $7.25/hour which it was increased to in 2009. This year, it's going up to at least $16 an hour in a few states. In other states, new minimum wages will range from $10 to $15. Also, this was the first year for the Apple iPad. 

As you can see, in 14 years, a lot has gone on our lives and worldwide. A BIG thanks to all who have been along for our blog adventures . . . to be continued. 

Dorothy & Patrick (aka Beatrice & Grenville)


Boud said...

Happy Annie! Yes, you're pretty bearable!

gigi-hawaii said...

Congratulations! Quite an achievement. I celebrated my 17th blogversary last November 20. Time does fly.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You might have done better to call it "blo-iversary", Dorothy. The wat you have it written it gives the impression that you are averse to blogging.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well done, you have bee at it longer than I have

Jeanie said...

Congratulations, Dorothy! I've loved every minute of blogging life. Your memories reminded me of mine -- the first post with not many comments and then how the blog evolved over time! Three cheers -- I hope you do another 14!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I need to be a little more diligent before hitting "publish." In my comment above read "blog-iversary" and "The way you have it."

Buttercup said...

Happy Blogaversary! My fifteenth was last week and I'll be posting about it in the next few days. My first post was about three sentences and I got no coments. The first month was pretty sparse, but I learned to add pictures and the rest is history. So glad I kept going. Couldn't imagine my life without blogging and my blog buddies.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I started mine in 2008 but only one post, and came back to it in 2009, and I think we found each other about 13 year ago, my first year i rarely got more than 3 to 5 comments, went to 40 and now due to choice I am around 20, which keeps me hopping. the 40 blogs of comments to read and blogs to read made me feel like it was a job. I miss some of the regulars but fully understand how busy life is. Happy Blogaversary

Barbara Rogers said...

Pretty sure I didn't find your blog till you were in NH. So glad I did, because your honest sharing of your lives, your journeys, your thoughts have been really enjoyable! Keep it up!

Sandra said...

I "met" you perhaps a year ago and have been glad of it! Thank you for your continued telling of your story. Happy Anniversary!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks, David, for the suggestion of the blog title change, it was a good one and well taken. The title has been updated as I am definitely not opposed to blogging and hope to continue for the foreseeable future.

Marie Smith said...

Looking good you two. Congratulations on 14 years of blogging!

Barwitzki said...

Congratulations on your 14th blog anniversary.
It is great.
There was a time when I thought the blog world was falling apart... but no. We held on.
The nice thing about blogging is that we really exchange ideas and are interested in each other... and it's completely non-binding.
Here's to... many more happy years of blogging!
Cheers Beatrice & Grenville.
Hug from Viola

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Blogiversary!
Your blog is a delight to read. The upbeat atmosphere here is a magnet for laughs and smiles. Thank you!

photowannabe said...

Happy 14 years !!!
I do love coming to your blog and learning all kinds of interesting things.
I use my blog as a yearly journal and hope my kids will enjoy it after we are gone.
Keep up the wonderful work and thanks for your comments too.

Rita said...

Happy Blogaversary--(spell check doesn't recognize any way of spelling it--lol!) I had my 17th this past June. (I didn't know how many years it had been so just had to go look--lol!) I can't remember when we connected or how but I think you were already living right where you are now, so I am a latecomer. Glad we connected--snailmail, too. May you be blogging many, many more years to come!

DUTA said...

Congrats! Happy Blogging Anniversary! Keep up the good work!
Wishing you many more years of blogging and of offering us readers valuable and pleasant information!

Emma Springfield said...

I am remembering when you were working at selling the Frog and Penguin. It seems so long ago.

Linda P said...

Happy blog anniversary to both of you! I'm very pleased to have found your blog. In my experience blogging keeps me connected to otto other bloggers around the world. I learn a lot from your blog. Thank you.

Jon said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary - and thank you for having such an enjoyable blog. Your VA house was really beautiful, but I'm sure apartment living is an easier way of living.
I started blogging long,long ago when AOL first had blogs (20 years or more?).There was a word limit on blogs back then. If your post was long, you'd have to divide it into two posts. I can't remember the name of my first blog. I had only one follower - - a sweet young lady named Shasta.

Doris said...

Happy Blogiversary! I don't remember when we met through our blogs but I do remember when we met in person.
I also started blogging in 2010. So fun to look back!

My name is Erika. said...

Congrats on the anniversary. It's fun to look back on where you were 14 years ago (or for me 17 years ago), isn't it? Although fewer people seem to blog now than back then, it's still good to have plenty of people to connect with. Stay warm in this chill. hugs-Erika

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy Blogaversary! Congratulations on making it to 14 years! I believe if I look back and check I also started my blog in 2010, near about the same time as you...maybe a month or two later! And yes, like you, we've been through a lot of changes in those 14 years! Some good, some not so good, but God has been with us all the way. I didn't meet you until a couple of years ago, but feel like I've known you a long time! I love the picture of your Frog and PenguINN home. I had a similar dream, but not a B&B, but more of a retreat center with a little guest cabin for people who just needed to get away from it all. It never quite developed, but I still dream of having a guest cabin. Maybe someday. Take care my friend. and Happy Blogaversary again!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations! we live in Va., but not near the shore.

Bijoux said...

Thank you for providing a place where we can escape for a bit and read about your travels and adventures, as well as learning a thing or two along the way. And as always, I appreciate your thoughtful comments on my own blog. Your former home was a beauty, both before and after. Stay warm!

Red said...

Well , I hope your blog continues. I didn't know that you both wrote. All the best for the future.

Anvilcloud said...

Happy blogawhatevahversary.

We must have met shortly after you began. I am in my third decade of this nonsense, but I trashed my first post. I think I trashed about 20 after the first year. I guess they weren't up to my standards. Which a pretty low. 😊

David said...

Hi Beatrice and Grenville... Congratulations on the anniversary of your first blog post! You have been at it about 6 months longer than I have, with my first post in July of 2010. I love the look of your old home on the Eastern Shore of Virginia! Great 'family photo' at the end of this post! Who's side of the family does that big fella take after?! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
P.S. Thanks for the update on the postage increase.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s wonderful! Time has gone fast. You certainly write some wonderful posts with lots of interesting information and this one about your personal journey in blogging is a pleasure to read. Loved the photo you finished your post with, and the play on words. Congratulations on your 14th blog-aversary and may you be blogging for many, many more! I will certainly be popping in frequently to read them.

baili said...

Happy Blog anniversary dear Dorothy !
i am genuinely very happy to find you here ,you are wise ,honest and intelligent blog friend and very generous as well :)

i have enjoyed your posts since some years and i look forward to updates of your life and travels .

i agree number hardly matter but sincerity is priceless indeed .

i hope by the good grace of God we will be seeing each other through the window of blogging world for many coming years inshallah many more blessings to both of you !

Carola Bartz said...

That is a fun review, Dorothy. I started blogging in 2010 as well, but in July. 44 cents for a USPS stamp - and now it increases again. I like the way your home in VA looked like, it is very beautiful. But it certainly needed a lot of upkeep. Happy blog-aversary - Carola

Eggs In My Pocket said...

It's wonderful that you have continued blogging and staying with the rest of us who do here in "blogland" I love your "looking back" on this post. You and Patrick always take such good photos even make that bear look friendly! LOL
Have a wonderful blogging new year ahead!

nick said...

Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy reading your blog and hopefully you enjoy reading mine! Most of my blog-mates are from the States, which is fun because I get to know a lot about contemporary America - including all the words we don't have in UK English like tchotchke, cotton candy and lollygag.

Ludwig said...

Congratulations! Fourteen years is a long time. Reaching out with thoughts and ideas. You have built a following and found friends around the world. I feel honored to be one of them. Keep it up!

Veronica Lee said...

Happy 14th blog-iversary!
From three comments to a thriving community, your blog has truly blossomed.

Here's to The Frog & PenguINN's wonderful adventures! 🥂 Looking forward to more stories and celebrations, Dorothy!

Rob Lenihan said...

Happy Blog-versary!

I'm so glad that we connected in the blog-o-sphere.

And believe it or not, my first blog post was on January 17, 2005, so we share the same blog birthday!

Keep up the great work!

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Blogaversary ... and here's to many more years blogging.

All the best Jan

PS Love that last photograph,