
Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday Funnies (UK)

There's nothing in London quite like a cuppa (British slang for a cup of tea).This pour is for all of you and shows Buckingham Palace, where we gathered with so many others last Friday in London to witness the changing of the guard. Oddly enough, the music played was not traditional marching music or even British, instead we heard American standards from the Great American Songbook, go figure. And, there were no bagpipes that we heard.

The Great American Songbook is the loosely defined canon of significant 20th-century American jazz standards, popular songs, and show tunes.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
We're still touring in Ireland


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

One likes to make ones visitors feel at home!
Incidentally I have it on good authority from those who've attended Palace functions that the tea is poor there - weak tea in very small cups.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Tea, like the monarchy, is highly over-rated!

Anvilcloud said...

Bagpipes played American Standards?

Marie Smith said...

Enjoy the rest of your vacation.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that teapot, now I am trying to figure out how to do it. coming soon to a blog near you. have fun, you are almost done

photowannabe said...

Hmmm, that's strange to not play traditional marching music.
Love the "Cuppa" photo.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Rita said...

Enjoy your trip! You'll be home soon. :)

Emma Springfield said...

I love that teapot. I enjoy a good cuppa myself.

Bijoux said...

Strange about the music!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

I believe the tune for "America the Beautiful," is also a tune for the UK song. Is that what happened?

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Thank you for thinking of us while you are having such a good time over there! Enjoy your wonderful vacation. Can't wait to see more when you get back.

nick said...

An American songbook outside Buckingham Palace? Some mistake, surely?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nick, there was no mistake as some of the tunes were ones made popular by American singer Frank Sinatra, notably My Way.

David said...

Hi Beatrice... Bummer, especially not hearing bagpipes. My better half with her Scottish heritage would have been unhappy...offset a bit by the spectacle of the changing of the guard at the palace. Enjoy the rest of your trip! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Christina said...

I never got used the the British cuppa, drunk with milk... You'll hopefully hear bagpipes when visiting Edinburgh, although you missed the annual piping championships (held in summer and maybe only in Glasgow?), when bagpipe music is all around.

DeniseinVA said...

I have been thinking of you both with this trip across the pond. Hope you enjoyed many a cuppa while you have been over there. Happy travels!

Lee said...

It's ages since I've had a cup of tea. I have a pile of tea bags, and a jar of leaf tea...I should rectify the situation, I suppose. :)

Stevenson Q said...

Sending you warm hugs as you are surely on a colder part of the world vs mine! Havent posted lately but you are on my mind and memory Dorothy and Patrick!

Blessings and Health!

Kay said...

I hope you're having a grand time. We were in the British Isles this spring. Darn! We never did make it to Buckingham Palace.

Jenny Woolf said...

That's funny! But dont you think that military bands can be a bit much if they are just playing marches? I wonder if it is to do with how American culture spread so far in the 20th century that it has become truly international in some ways. Perhaps we Brits think those are OUR tunes by now! I like the teapot shaped photo, that's really cool!

baili said...

oh yes the guard changing ceremony i read about in recent post sounded excellent .
how nice you were able to watch it and enjoy