A number of bloggers, and other folks, often select a word for the year, perhaps similar to a mantra, and then share with others online or privately. It's one they plan to live by for the year.
While I've never purposefully done so, this year I considered what word to select.
Instead of one, there were three for me to consider. So, in no particular order, they are:
Connect — Learn — Choose
One of my New Years goals/intentions was to stop reaching out to folks who never respond. At first glance this may have sounded a bit harsh, so let me explain.
Connect applies to my plan to connect with myself instead of reaching out to those in my present or past who too often are neglectful at the courtesy of a return reply by phone, mail, email or text. In many ways, I plan to become selfish of my time and how it's spent.
That said, I will set aside time to connect and read posts of fellow bloggers and comment at least on a weekly basis.
Learn, of course, applies to many things and this year for me its signing up for UniversalClass courses. The Nashua Public Library here offers library users the opportunity to sign up for these courses which offer online continuing education through an online catalog of over 500 classes, best of all there's no cost to participate and while exams are offered, courses can be audited. Perhaps, your local library does the same. This seems like a great opportunity for a new year.
Choose applies to many things, including being more mindful of purchases and valuing quality over quantity. I often research a future purchase extensively. However, I also admit to falling into the consumer trap of having bought something on the cheap. After some regretful decisions, I've learned that paying a bit more for quality can sometimes work out better.
Whether or not, I will stay true to these words or perhaps select others is uncertain now, but at least it's a start.
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Rain & fog comprised last week's first 2023 views from our apt window |
I have never done this, Beatrice, and I have no plans to do so, but if I were to choose one word, for myself and everyone else, it would be ACT. Act to save the environment before it's too late, act to reduce pollution, act to rebel against racism......and so on.
I agree completely with you, David, so perhaps we can all work individually to at least do our part in taking ACTion on these very important issues.
Great words to live by. Best wishes!
Good morning! I must really be wanting to connect again with the blogging community because this theme is one I have right now written down as a possible post!! Over the years, I've tried occasionally to pick one or two (and did this year) I've found that it hasn't stuck. Maybe this time it will. I very much like the words you've chosen and the reasons!!
Neat rain and fog pictures! We had some fog here a couple days, too. So cool!
I'm working on de-decorating. Still have 2 trees up, and the 2 mini live ones, and some lights. Which is still a lot, but you saw how much was out so I have made progress on packing it away.
Glad you're both feeling better!
Years ago I tried out the experiment of not always being the one to reach out. It was good to see who responded and who were just using my energy for themselves! This year I'm applying it also to blog friends. It's a two way street. It also feels much better to have real convos.
I don't use word mottoes, but I think I live them.
I don't do resolutions, never have and also have never picked a word for the year. My word FUN fell on me when I read Seans story, because I have found myself going down a rabbit hole of light depression. Fun is an easy one to do, so I might stick with it. Your words are great words and i wish you luck. Learning is like punishment to me, UNLESS it is learning how to use a new techie device. that i love. book learning, in your case online learning would make me depressed. I don't do well with testing and am eaisly depressed when i don't measure up .
Great word selections. At church on Sunday we got stars with words on them. Mine was CHANGE. I told Dan I didn't like my word because I don't want to change anything. I like how my life is progressing. I imagine there are other interpretations to be had with that word but I'm not seeking those out either.
As far as the word CONNECT in your list, I thank you for how you have connected to me these last two years through the blog, email and the occasional calls.
I can relate to the decision to connect with self rather than those who don’t show interest. I’ve decided to stop being the ‘planner’ in my friend group. It was exhausting and never reciprocated. If people want to get together or go on field trips, they can put forth the effort.
You researching something thoroughly is just what I have come to expect of you. It seems like you have a good group of words to think about and follow.
I hope you soon make a full recovery from those colds, there seems to be a type of cold doing the rounds here which is particularly difficult to shake off.
I've done a New Year's Eve ceremony for years and years--long before people were picking a word for the year. I always pick an angel card to kind of tell me what I should focus on for the coming year and that was easy enough to call a word of the year, too. But I believe you should do whatever you want and having three words is perfect for what you want to think about this year.
The classes sound fascinating! I have always loved learning. (Even though I'm not sure I retain very well anymore with the brain fog years--lol!) As I am downsizing I am making decisions on less and better quality sometimes, too. Feels good! Have a wonderful week! :)
Hi Beatrice, Our word or words for the year are sharply focused as my time on this earthly coil lengthens. ENJOY LIFE EVERY DAY! My personal goal is to minimize doing anything that I don't like to do and eliminate or avoid situations that cause tension. As for the Holidays and decorations... We just don't do much decorating as, in most years, it would just be for us. We step it up if company is expected. Our social calendar in January is quite full...but its mostly cluttered with one medical professional after another... Fun times! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
I have chosen several words over the last few years. Last year it was intentional...to be intentional in what I do, the plans I make, and the way I carry them out. Was I successful? Probably not! It did help me to be more careful in my decisions though.
This year's word is Positive. I want to guard against negative thoughts that like Mad Snapper said, take me down the Rabbit Hole.
I want to enjoy this last season of my life and do it with that great Hubby of mine.
We have had rain, rain and more rain in the Sacramento area. Thankfully we are safe and our sump pumps are working over-time.
Its a good day to just stay inside and putter.
Hope your colds heal quickly.
I've been too busy to feel anything. It will be in my blog later this week.
Those are good words, I'm sure. ☺️ Oh I loathe taking down Christmas and, in fact, usually leave a little Christmas up all year. I am sorry that you folks had colds and I am very glad that that was all. Those scenes from your windows look very gray and chilly.
I'm am with you about 'connect'. I too plan to be "selfish on my time and how it's spent".
Very fitting for the new year.
Nice words for 2023. I'm still working on mine, but it is always interesting to see what other people pick and why, if they chose to share that. Hope 2023 is going well. hugs-Erika
With those three words you give yourself a bit of a goal. I hope you keep these words and tell us how they influenced you.
I like your three words! They are good words to live by intentionally this year. My word is "Listen"...and I am trying to listen to God's voice above the din and noise around me. Also trying to listen more to what others are truly saying when they speak...and be more sensitive to their needs that may be unspoken with words. Listening to the sounds of nature and the voices of all that is beautiful around me. That's my word for this year. I pray I can remember to LISTEN more attentively. Thank you for always being an attentive person who reaches out to others...I do understand the frustration of others not responding, but don't let that change your fervor for reaching out to others with your lovely posts and sharing your life with us! I enjoy your interesting stories, etc. Have a blessed and wonderful week.
It's an interesting idea to have the mantra words, and I have not heard of it before. What a spectacular view from your windows you posted this time - it's always a great view but the fog and snow makes it really special. I hope 2023 is good to you!
Your 3 words are great words to live by. I agree with you 100%.
I haven't done this, but I like your word choices. Starting the year with positive intentions.
Those are beautiful, foggy photos! I don't do any new year resolutions. I try to get myself more organized, that's about it but I always seem to fall behind. Good words though. As far as keeping in touch with people, I have started thinking of saving postage when sending Christmas cards if I have not received one from that person in a couple of years. I still send them to older relatives that don't send to us but know that they enjoy receiving ours, also letters where I don't feel the need to get an answer. If I hear from younger relatives how much their parent enjoys them, then I am happy to keep on sending.
I like the words you have chosen and I hope you get some satisfaction from them. One of my goals is to email and write letters to those people that I owe them to. I am afraid I am guilty of lagging behind. I think my words for the year should be “act promptly”. And I love looking through fog especially at lighthouses, boats and landscapes. Spending so much time on the coast of Maine has allowed me to photo fog in all four seasons. Enjoy life.❤️
A good choice of words for the new year, Beatrice.
I don't choose words, but my main goal for this year is not to procrastinate. I want to be more productive this year.
Amen! So perfect for the new year!
Hugs and blessings, Dorothy!
I have found a very concerning, wise and thoughtful person dear Dorothy. And the selection of your words show it perfectly.
I completely agree with each point you have made here with these words my friend.
I really admire your fondness for learning. Wishing you a great luck on this beautiful journey as it happens is my favorite too :)
Seems your area is having snow as I can see in the photos.
Keep warm and healthy
Choose. I like that. In fact, I might be liking it than the other words on my list which aren't rocking my boat. Got to think about that one! By the time I commit to a word, it's February!
We were so glad to see our grand kids over Christmas. Every time they visit they bring us a Chicago bug. We didn't have such bad colds but we did have them. We were ache and pains for a couple of days. We too had foggy days over here.
Excellent words! Connecting with yourself is a brilliant idea, especially when people don't respond to you.
Several years one of the priests at Trinity Church on Wall Street was handing out cards on the Feast of the Epiphany. Each card had a word printed on it that the priest said should guide us for the year.
My word was "Light" and thanks to your post I am reconnecting with that word. We all could use more light in our lives.
Take care!
Such an interesting and thoughtful post and I can't believe you put it together when you were suffering with a cold! (Actually I can believe it because you are such an excellent blogger.) I'm glad I took the time to scroll back to catch up. Thanks!
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