
Monday, January 2, 2023

It's That Time (Again) . . .

To make plans for a new year. 

Notice that I didn't say the "R" word, resolutions, because as many of us well know, there are the standard ones that are prone to failure within a few weeks.

According to statistics, as many as 80% of folks do not keep their New Year's resolutions by February. Only 8% of people successfully stay with them for the entire year. 

While most folks start strong, studies have shown that almost one out of four quit within the first week of a new year. Most quit before the end of January blaming failure to fulfill resolutions on a lack of time, resources, or motivation. 

There's always a core group of resolutions plans. Among the top ones are: exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight, save more and spend less. 

These are followed by a few more:

Get organized
Learn a new skill or hobby
Enjoy life to the fullest
Spend time with family 
Contact friends more often
Take care of mental health
Pursue a new interest
Be more environmentally aware
Look for a new job

In recent years, there's been more unusual ones: Get your photo taken in five interesting places, learn a decent party trick, break a record, make a new friend a month, learn something not learned in childhood, try a new food each week, and make the usual "unusual" (my favorite).

While I haven't written any 2023 goals (again not the R word), here's a few I've been considering in no particular order:

Turn off the PC at least 1 day each week
Stop contacting folks who never respond
Walk around the neighborhood
Dine out weekly with Grenville
Listen more, talk less
Sort through photos
Back up my PC monthly
Consider a bucket list 
Say thank you often
Compliment often
Do something nice daily
Buy flowers randomly
Read more nonfiction

How about you — any goals, plans, resolutions for 2023?

Speaking of saying thanks, BIG thanks to all who left comments on our recent holiday posts. Grenville and myself read and appreciated all of them, but more so, all our blogger friends.


Anvilcloud said...

No plans or resolutions here. I have a hope for health and to see 2024.

All the best for you in achieving your goals.

Boud said...

I think it's a good idea to consider improving your life rather than yourself. My best resolve was fresh flowers on the first of the month. Just a little supermarket bunch, very cheering self indulgence. I plan to get back to it once I'm well.

CrystalChick said...

I don't usually make New Year resolutions. Maybe some years I try to because it feels good wanting to start off with positive vibes or something like that? I'm not a goal-oriented type person though, so it can feel like a lot of pressure to keep on with certain things for an entire year. This year, I actually did write down a couple and will probably share on my page soon. Or will I?? haha I really should make the announcement... "I resolve to become a better blogger!" (eye rolls and giggles from everyone on that HA!)

Barbara Rogers said...

I'm not sure when I stopped making any form of plans...or formal plans. Today I want to sit in the sun, with a friend if possible. That's about the extent. I lied, I do want to tackle some long over-due tasks in my house. There is the urge...let's see how much it takes me into action!

Rita said...

I rejected the word resolution long ago and switched to writing goals for the year. But I haven't even done that for many years. I do a burning bowl ceremony and draw an angel card about what to focus on for the coming year (which also works as a word for the year, I suppose). I just realized that I have been doing that for maybe a couple decades now! Goodness! Time flies. Happy 2023!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no plans or resolutions but if I were making a list, after reading yours, I would choose a few of yours to start my list.
Speak less, listen more would be #1. I truly need to work on that
and the things you chose are what every one should choose, to help others and do good things for others not just improve ourselves. I love your list.
On my if I had a list would be turn off the pc one day a week.
I think the world would be a better place if we ALL put down the cell phones a day a week

gigi-hawaii said...

Nope, no resolutions. Nada.

Jeanie said...

I've more or less given up on resolutions or overarching goals and going with general guidelines(are they the same? Maybe). I really love your list. And it's most achievable!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I used to make resolutions years ago, but was seldom sufficiently resolute to keep them till the end of January. My only ambition now is to take each day as it comes.

Emma Springfield said...

I like all of your plans. I recently went through photos with my sister. So many wonderful memories.

Marcia said...

Someone told me today at my first Bone Builder class that she's calling them intentions not resolutions. Seems all the same to me.

Sandra said...

I will continue to work on not fretting over things I cannot control. A tough one, but I work on it.

photowannabe said...

I find I don't keep my resolutions very long so I don't really make them any longer.
I have to loose some weight to get my A1c down so that's a definite for my own good...just a plan.
All the things you posted are terrific and things that are good for all of us.
Kindness and helping others will make us all better.

Vee said...

Trying to avoid all of the resolutions that might rear their heads. I prefer giving whatever to God and asking for His help with anything that needs attention. I like your list, though. Hope the New Year is going very well!

Christina said...

I made no resolutions this year but I like your plans for 2023 and will aim to follow suit for some of these.

Have a wonderful year!

Kathy said...

You have good goals for this new year. I never make resolutions. I just try to make each day better than the last one.

Jon said...

I never make resolutions, mainly because I would never be able to keep them. I have to face MANY daunting tasks and issues this year, but I'll have to force myself to overcome the obstacles.

I suppose being positive and exhausting our best efforts is a better alternative than making resolutions.

Hopefully 2023 will be a positive year for all of us.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Your goals are good. I believe you will be successful with them.

My name is Erika. said...

I like your potential goal list. The buy flowers randomly caught my eye. They do make things feel like summer, even in January. Smile. I think my biggest goal is to get back to a more "normal" life by getting out in the mainstream of the world. I'm not sure quite how, but maybe just be less stressed or a better phrase would be less worried while in a crowd someplace. I'm not worried about me but more that I'll get sick and infect my immune suppressed hubby. Whatever you end up choosing, I hope you have a wonderful 2023-both of you. hugs-Erika

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I don't do resolutions...I do have a "One Word" for 2023, "Listen"...listening for God's voice in my surroundings and in reading His Word, and listening to hear what I might be missing by not listening... I do love your goals for the year, and they are worthy thoughts worth considering. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful New Year. I look forward to your interesting posts, even if I don't get around to responding all the time. I try, but sometimes I get distracted when I should be "listening". Trying to do better. Take care and stay warm.

William Kendall said...

Taking care of my mental health is an ongoing thing.

David said...

Hi Beatrice and Grenville, Neither of us 'do' resolutions any longer. I do have a couple of goals for 2023. First, survive the year in relatively good health and enjoy my and our time together. Second...related to the first. Take maximum advantage of any family time. Limit my blog research and writing to 'work hours' and spend more time with Laurie in the evening. I can't give up blogging with its attendant research as I enjoy writing. I need to try to go through the thousands of printed photos I have and get rid of those who have no meaning, even to Laurie and I. Plan and execute both close to home and at least one long distance road trip.

Have a happy, healthy New Year...and most of all have fun!

Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Barwitzki said...

In a holiday mood, that sounds great :-))) No, I'm not making any resolutions... well maybe one... vacation, a nice trip in 2023, yes :-))) so a resolution after all.
I wish you a happy, healthy and exciting 2023.
Best regards from Viola. And yes, blog life is exciting... too :-)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your goals look reasonable and doable, Beatrice. I suspect that with a minimum amount of modification to your daily routine you can achieve them. Good luck and Happy New Year.

Bijoux said...

My goal is to get my mom’s affairs in order and get her 3 BR condo and basement cleaned out. She’s a hoarder and developing dementia, so I’d like to get her settled into assisted living this year.

Rob Lenihan said...

I like your approach, Dorothy. Forget resolutions and focus on goals.

And I think your goals are fabulous--I may have to borrow a few of them from you.

Happy New Year!

baili said...

Improving life slowly and steadily is my idea .can't call it goal as it lives in my core and I follow whenever I find sometime for myself.
I liked your goal simple and nice easy to keep up with and yet meaningful!
Best of luck for all you do in future!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh I like your list a lot!!! Great goals.