
Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday Funnies

Would you trust these cords?

When traveling, we often see the tops of cars packed with extra essentials like on this one, which falls under the category of things to avoid on the road.
What seemed curious to me were the seemingly light bungee cords that held these in place. 
But as there was a second bungee in the background; hopefully these all held up. 

Yes, we were close enough in traffic for me to take this shot (enlarged for emphasis).
Not behind it while we were both on the same roadway. No need to tempt fate.

As one blogger aptly noted, this is indeed not funny and definitely a possible hazard. 
It had me wondering What was the motorist thinking?

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Snow ☃️ is in the forecast in parts of NH


Latane Barton said...

Yikes, that looks scary!! Hope they made it to where they were taking that stuff.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I think I would've dropped well back behind that lot!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks like a trip to a beach, or maybe moving things that did not fit in the movers truck. It doesn't look that sturdy for sure. hope they did not have far to go

Boud said...

I'd try to get ahead of this accident waiting to happen, not wanting a bike to hit my windshield.

Rita said...

Looks a bit loose and scary to me!

Barbara Rogers said...

Yep, following a loose looking load is not smart. And yet you took a photo...must have been at a stop light!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

That is weird, trusting a bungee cord on a vehicle would make my brain scream.
Have a good week-end!

NewRobin13 said...

That does not look safe at all. Good to steer clear of that car.

gigi-hawaii said...

Not funny at all. Dangerous in my opinion.

Vee said...

Yes, that looks sketchy. 🥴

Lois Evensen said...

Yep, sure does look "iffy." I'm sure this is why we see so many items that have fallen off of vehicles on the sides of the highways. And, it's so dangerous when things start flying at 70 MPH.

Michelle said...

That does look bad!

photowannabe said...

I truly never understand how some people pack...that looks so dangerous in so many ways.
Great photo but I sure would stay far away from that car.

Polly said...

I'm often amazed at what people put on the roofs of their cars, and how they stay put, but these do look dodgy, I would stay well back! Have a good weekend Beatrice :-)

Bijoux said...

I would not trust those!

Anvilcloud said...

We once had a rooftop icicle carrier, and we did have to stop and secure a bike once after it toppled a bit.

My name is Erika. said...

I wonder what is bungeed. Maybe they are foldable lawn chairs? Hope you didn't get too much snow. hugs-Erika

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Crazy stuff. I've had a near death experience that thankfully God nudged me to move over just in time before a dune buggy body flew off the back of a truck and would have come right through my windshield if I had not been prompted by, I truly believe God, to get over quick and thankfully no one else was in the other lane and no one was close enough behind me to get hit. But that experience has made me very aware of poorly tied down objects on vehicles and I stay clear away. People just don't think or have good sense sometimes. Whew!

Jeanie said...

When I see something like that, I try to pass it and get as far away as I can!

William Kendall said...

That is hazardous.

Veronica Lee said...

It doesn't look safe!

I definitely would stay away from that car.

Hugs and blessings, Dorothy.

DeniseinVA said...

Good grief! I think you were wise not to travel behind these people. I have had two bad experiences, the first was when a boat trailer unhooked from the car and rolled down the hill into my lane. Fortunately, none of us were going too fast and could avoid it. The other was on an off ramp where there was no recourse but to be behind a truck with a load of steel rods. I didn't like the look of it so made sure there was plenty of space much to the disgust of people behind me who started honking at me. The driver of the truck in front had a lead foot and stopped suddenly at the traffic light, and the whole load started tumbling. It missed our car by feet. Guess who is the Jiminy Cricket when we are on the freeway?

Lee said...

One often ponders upon what some motorists think or do. We have to make sure our head is screwed on tightly, or else it will fall off from the shaking thereof! :)

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

That looks scary! What was he thinking?

baili said...

Oh my looks weird and scary to me. Definitely not funny in a way. Even bothering.

Funny in a way that probably due to inflation motorist tried to rely on his car instead renting a truck for moving things.

Very well point to be noticed dear Dorothy