
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Four Years Ago . . .

It hardly seems that long ago, especially now, but in December 2016, we were in Lancaster, PA, awaiting the pre-holiday birth of the youngest granddaughter.
She's 4 years old today, and, for the first time in a few years, we won't be there in person to help celebrate this occasion or Christmas. We did both 4 years ago after her arrival.

This year, we'll celebrate with a video visit and watch her open our gifts. 
Here's the party girl all dressed up for a home celebration held over the weekend. It was limited only to family visits from her aunts and uncles who live in the same area. Can you tell who likes unicorns a lot?
Of course, no birthday celebration would be complete without gifts; these were a couple of her favorites. She's a big fan of Play-Doh and also of Queen Elsa from the Frozen movie.

After gift opening, there was another treat, a cake, specially decorated in a Frozen design.

The youngest granddaughter is growing up. We hope to see her and her parents before the next celebration comes around.

Happy 🎂Birthday
Hope to celebrate with you next year!


Anvilcloud said...

Time marches on, and it looks very likely that there will be an in-person celebration next year.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Hang in there, Beatrice. Vaccinations are on the way, but who knows how many arms are waiting to be pricked before they get to yours? Maybe by mid summer there will be a return to something approaching normal. We live in hope!

nick said...

A nice pink dress. And a wonderful birthday cake. Yes, hopefully by next summer some sort of normal life will be reappearing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I remember when she was born and I can't believe that it's been four whole years since then. I'm glad you at least got to visit a video and I hope next year you'll be able to go to number five

Edna B said...

I love the photos. She's beautiful and really enjoying her birthday. I think it's wonderful that we can take part in these celebrations via videos, phones and internet. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

mamasmercantile said...

She is adorable. I for one am hoping that with the coming of the vaccine a little normality will be returning before long. I love in hope anyway.

Anonymous said...

Sweet photos of her birthday celebration. Next year may you all gather together safely and joyously.

Ron said...

OMG, these baby photographs are so PRECIOUS! I adore babies. They're are so sweet and innocent.

Lilliana has grown to be such a beautiful young lady. LOVE her outfits. And I also love her little kitchen appliances in the background. And please tell her that I'm a big fan of Play-Doh as well. When I was a kid, I used to have Play-Doh sets. I know this sounds weird, but my favorite thing about Play-Doh is the smell!

Happy Birthday to you, Lilliana!

P.S. On another note. Has anyone ever told your husband that he looks a lot like Steven Spielberg?

David said...

Beatrice, Ah, the joy and wonder of being 4 years old and the center of attention...and adoration! Time flies by... Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Emma Springfield said...

Oh my goodness. Time flies

William Kendall said...

Time does fly.

Red said...

You are making a good effort for your grandchildren to celebrate.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

She is adorable. Happy birthday Lilliana !

Jon said...

It's truly amazing how quickly children can grow in four years. It's nice to see the joyous photos of this special occasion. Hopefully you'll be able to visit in person soon.

LL Cool Joe said...

My Granddaughter loves Frozen as well. She's 4 in April. Time flies by doesn't it?

That Birthday cake looks beautiful!

Margaret D said...

Dear girl - Happy Birthday from Australia.
The cake is lovely and thank goodness for webcams so you can see your family at Christmas time.
Take care.

Bijoux said...

So disappointing to not be there to celebrate either her birthday or Christmas. What a little sweetheart she is. I love the look of excitement on her face when she opened the play dough. I’m still hoping to see my two grandkids after Christmas, with masks.

Stevenson Q said...

Happy Happy Birthday to the beautiful Lilliana! Sending hugs and best wishes of great health and strong body and heart from the Philippines!!!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to sweet Lilliana! Hopefully next season will be better.

Jeanie said...

I know you will miss the in-person but it will be a delightful zoom -- and she's adorable. Happy Birthday, Lillian!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your granddaughter is darling. Those sparkling eyes ! I hope you get to see her soon in the New Year. We will all get to that good place again! ... Just to let you know how elderly we are, two of our *great*-grandchildren are older than your adorable girl! And I remember when the mother of those two was the same age she is. And I know how much you miss being with her during this season.

Rob K said...

Oh, she's so beautiful! Thank you for sharing these lovely photos!

L. D. said...

Our second grandson was born five years ago. Your grand daughter is a sweet girl. We will face time with Teddy as he will probably sing happy birthday son for us.

My name is Erika. said...

And she is still adorable!