
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

This 'n That Updates

This post has updates on previous blog posts, because I had the time (don't we all now) and wanted to share.

I'm late in posting this very happy news that fellow blogger Laurie, who in late February posted a blog farewell, has returned with her same blog title. You can find at Where the Spruce Trees GrowWelcome back Laurie, you were missed. Drop in for a visit. Laurie blogs with the same spirit of doggedness and expressiveness that I and so many others admire. She shares her daily struggles with grace and candor and her positive outlook is always inspiring to myself and other bloggers. Welcome back Laurie, you were missed.

Update: After preparing this post a few days ago, I checked Laurie's blog and, sadly, it's no longer available to read posts or leave comments. You can read her explanation at the above link. Unfortunately, part of the reason is due to culprits who we all dislike.

In mid-March, I posted a goodbye to Picasa, Google's photo editor, which though no longer supported, was still functional on my desktop iMac computer. An operating system upgrade in late 2019 would only support 64-bit software apps. Since Picasa outdated was a 32-bit app, it wouldn't work after the OS upgrade. I needed a replacement 64-bit photo editor, and preferably a no-cost version (free is always good).

In that earlier post, I listed several free photo editing apps, some of which were Windows or Mac specific and/or platform specific (tablet, phone or desktop). I posted about downloading a couple and since then, I've been two of these: Fotor and PhotoScape X. While they share some capabilities, overall Fotor is more limited; however it's a quick and easy collage maker and editor. 

I'm a big huge fan of photo collages which let me show multiple photos in a single image. To that end, I've been using both applications to create collages used in this and recent blog posts. PhotoScape X lets me create "funkier" collages in terms of shapes and editing images within each collage cell. That was done for each of these individual images within this collage. Effects were applied to the individual collage cells. Sometimes Most times it's just fun to play with these effects and shapes.

Without repeating comments made earlier, Photoscape X has been the more versatile app for me, as it provides have more image control. Each of these apps offers a paid/pro version but I continue to use free versions of both. They've been working very well.

Has anyone tried these or any other free photo editing software cited in that earlier post? If so, please share your thoughts in comments.


Jon said...

I've been without an Internet connection this past week and am finally catching up on reading blogs.
I still use iPiccy for free photo editing, but I checked out PhotoScape X and it sounds tempting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I downloaded photosscape when you mentioned it, but got tired of trying to figure out the new and as you know I am a PicMonkey lover. I pay 47 per year for PicMonkey. the only bad thing if internet goes, no PM but with PhotoScape we can use without internet. I have it for what if.

Anvilcloud said...

That is a interesting collage.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I just use Google Photos and the one I have with my computer which is a windows version

Edna B said...

I have never used any o the free programs. I use Photoshop. However, I don't think my program lets me make these interesting layouts. I'm sorry about your friend's blog. I hope she can get someone to help her with it. You stay safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Tara said...

Nice assortment of images here! On my iphone I like to use Snapseed for photo editing. You can play with all kinds of interesting manipulations, including multiple images.

mamasmercantile said...

A wonderful collage. I am not computer savvy so although I would like to try some of your suggestions I just stick to what I know. Stay safe.

Michelle said...

I have photoshop, but love using picmonkey for its ease and parts of it are free.

LL Cool Joe said...

I have photoshop, but also use Befunky, Ribbet and occasionally picmonkey but found so little of it was free anymore.

DeniseinVA said...

I love my Paint Shop Pro and use it for everything. I also have Photo Collage which I downloaded on my iPad. I enjoy that a lot. I do enjoy art apps and use those also, though I can't think of one right now.

Red said...

I used Picasa but haven't looked for a replacement. Thanks for doing the looking for me.

L. D. said...

My wife and I use Photoshop Elements. We paid for it as we both used photo editing for a lot of different things besides blogs. We were familiar with the commands so we upgraded when that was required. I taught classes with it when I was teaching tech in high school.

Valerie said...

I gave up on the photograph front, too lazy I think! It doesn't stop me admiring the photos of blogging friends, though. I thank you.

Buttercup said...

I've put several photo apps on my phone, but generally just use the tools that come with iPhone. I've just started to try different editing tools on my computer that I'm enjoying, too. This may be a good time to look into a photo class on line. I keep making a list of things to do, but I actually find myself pretty busy with a lot of activities. No complaint about keeping busy and happy not to be bored at all. Take care.
P.S. Today's post is about New Hampshire.

Bill said...

I use, it's free and very similar to photoshop which I used for years when working at the university. I also have Corel PaintShop Pro x6 and use that too. I bought it back in 2013.

Polly said...

I haven't used either of these, I use Pixlr. I like your funky collage so I will try them.


i have never used either. nor have i made a collage. but these sound interesting.

Connie said...

I like the collage. Photo editors are fun to play around with. You can get such impressive results.

baili said...

wow this editing app sound great

i too keep check on Laurie but yes she is not available again ,she will stay in my prayers always indeed